I have awaken this mornig to getting shot in the face in a brutal way. As i sit drinking coffee. The shooting seems to be from above my head. Theres no doubt about it. Remote Neutral Weapons are being used on me here. My perps are looking to drive me over the edge by the way of punishment to the body. They have given me a headache followed by severe ear ringing. And tiredness. A constant hit to the head will provide these results. Or multiple hits to the head. By the way i got up at noon. Here it is 6:26 est. And its been a day of nothing but shots to the head. Left tempral lobes. Left eye. And face in general. The tired,headache,fatigue is nothing unusual for these sickies abuse. Ears ring. Yep had good sleep but after about a half hour of this. Its like youve never slept. We left the house and still the same shooting to the head in and out of stores. So in general Americans. This can be you too. At the drop of a hat. Your freedom and laws can be striped from your life by the higher ups. Amendments? As long as they allow. Freedom? You had none to begin with. Rights? NONE!!!!! Welcome to your new future.
This an ongoing true to life story of Electronic harassment. This is still happening to my home and family. The worst of it all started in around oct. Of 2015. It is still going on today oct. 27th 2016.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Saturday, April 29, 2017
84 To My Friends American People
Some peolpe know me. Others do not. But for what it is worth. Im still missing from the scene guys. Ive been gone and handled by my perps. I do apologise about being whats seems like a stuck up person. Im totally the oposite and you all know better. But rather i wouldnt wish this torture upon anyone else. They would follow me to your home. And if you were in the hospital? Im sorry for not being there for you... But these people are sick enough to help you into the ground. So if it seems like i dont care? I do so much more than you can even realise. Im being followed molested and sodomised still. A regular piece of hamburger on the grocery store shelf. My perps are helping themselves to my body, Health and general well being. Go to twitter and look up other T.I (Targeted Individuals)people. I have been black listed. And they are using the best gear to tear me down. They are looking to mentally break me down. Demoralisation as a tactic. Sexual Torture as another. And they are calling for 24/7 total distraction of my mind body and sole. They cant keep the machine of me. I am as well sleep deprived. Clearly this is a serious ongoing, towards 2 years now. A major problem. Whats being used on my body is totally fillling my body full of radiation. This radiation will slowley kill my body. And seem to be a natural cause overall. But ive had MRIs and its shown differance. From the tempral lobes being hit. And as well the beating to the head with the transparent weapon. Theres hundreds to thousands of us. And others are crying out online. They are going through this same network. That they are slowley being murdered like myself.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
83 Youve Got To See This Video
Please check out some of my most recent video evidence in my bedroom. Sleep deprevation. Its all part of the game they play. Look for 2016 go usa made on youtube.com. please take notice to my ceiling. And watch sharply for faces. This seems to be coming from some sorts of beam being projected from the sky. It must be in the xray form of beam. Or of another sort. Its able to penetrate through my roof. I am followed everywhere i go. It does not matter. Ive had road stalking as well. Things have gotten much worse. Ive been working over nights. And my perps are reluctant to let me sleep.