Go to youtube.com or even yet try twitter. Key word search "Gang Stalking". You will see that a guy like myself. And hundreds to thousands of other innocent American people like myself. We are going through this harassment. Raped daily. Beat in the temples daily. Anal and the penis and testicles. Its still happening here at my house. Is the system ever going to get the drift? They choose and pick on single women as a target. Demoralise them. Beat them down in there homes. And have there way with weaponry and surveilance gear to watch upon there prey. As they rape their body. Anyone getting the picture?
This an ongoing true to life story of Electronic harassment. This is still happening to my home and family. The worst of it all started in around oct. Of 2015. It is still going on today oct. 27th 2016.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
91 Pyschotronics And Gang Stalking
Dear Americans:
You figured that things like this could never happen to you? Or you debated the integrity of such a topic. FYI. For you and your family. Phsychotrnics are very real. Here is a link to what i am currently going through. Ive had family members that have had simuliar expieriances as well.
This is what you get when you piss off people that thinks there better than everyone else. This is no joke. This is a very serious matter. And my situation needs imiediate attention. My family is in harms way and in an eminent way. Everyone is avoiding me at all costs. No contact whats so ever. Climbed the tallest mountains. Copy and paste this reality into your browser. This is no fun. Pure torture. And whats worse is noone gives a shit! You will find no comfort in this reality. The symtoms are severe. And to think that you are slowley being murdered. Tumors,cancer and other health issues. I have leashons to my brain from the head shots. The head trauma makes you severely tired,severe headaches. And followed by fatigue. And electromagnetic frequency? Just being around it all the time it makes you so tired. The stress is enough to make you fatiged alone. My body must be overwelmed by radiation. My home has been occupied by the whole world it seems like? And we pay for it. AND TO THINK??? MY FAMILY HAD A GUN THREAT FROM A METH LAB GANG. INCLUDING DRIVE BY GUNFIRE INTO THE WOODS NEAR OUR HOME???? AND WE END UP LIKE THIS. I was put under a mental arrest. For reporting my side effects from the preliminary onset of my existing issue. Any questions???
Friday, May 19, 2017
90 The Purps Ruin Families For Joy
The positioning i recieved as the county i live in. They threw me into a mental hospital for 3 days. On a bogus excuse. I was placed nicely under a mental arrest. Now what this does is. It puts a tarnish on your records. And since you have this on your records. You cannot obtain or purchase a firearm for hunting or self protection. Afterall we had a gun threat and drive by shooters against my wife,my kids and me. At our home. I did the right thing and called 911. For some things i seen happen? They placed me under this arrest. And the mental hospital studdard at the reasons why i was there? They could not give me a straight answer to justify the stay? So they racked up a bill for three days of near $10000 and they released me after a 3 day stay. Well this putting a mark on my records was intentional. It was to set me up for what im going through now. Ive had so much serveilance gear gone through my home they know if ive got a broken eraser head on my pencils in my drawers. Knowing of all my possesions? They instilled the beating daily. What are you going to do to protect yourself? Other than to gather photo and video evidence. And ive have a ton of it. For you and if this happens to you? You will have a resource to look onto. By the way im getting shot in the testicles right now. Its a hard thing to go through. Especially the head trauma. This is how "Gang Stalking" works. And being a "Targeted Individual". I seen some things that i shouldnt have. Thats the only thing i can conclude. Theyve shurley took alot of life out of my body. Direct energy hits to the temples. Well over a years worth. And down right blundgent. As i read it causes tumors and brain cancer. The same for my privates and rectal area. This form of abuse has taken a toll on my home and family. Theyve ruined our family life. Our relationship in our marriage on the blink. This is exactley what they want. They want to ruin your job. And your family. And slowley murder you inch by inch.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
89 Who Am I?
I am a person that is living proof. That illegal activities like this are very true. This is not a fiction story by no means. "A JOKE?" I think not!! This can be you,your spouse,and even your kids. One thing i will say is im more of a man than these scum bags will ever be. The wrong place at the right time. Gets you here. No judge.No jury. No amendments. No freedom. Total communist. In a free country. Misuse of power. No ifs ands or buts.. about it.
88 Sun May 14th Shots To The Heart
Today i was woke up. I still lye in bed. And my perp started shooting me in the chest. The weapon being used is transparent. But it had the ability to make my heart race. I could feel the beam moving through my chest area. Thats correct. It was moving around until it hit the heart. The perp continued his actions and near missing his target as i was getting clothes out of my dresser. As i was going for the doorway. I didnt think i was going to make it and reached for the bed. I felt like i was going to fall as my eyes started to darken ,as you would passing out. Theyve had there hayday on my head continuosly. The temples mostly to keep me exausted with a headache. Thats the way they want me to feel. Its all about being a "Targeted Individual". It seems funny that its mothers day?And that it happens to be a Sunday? It hasnt been quite as bad as my Sunday mornings used to be. But its a reminder that im still in a consentration style camp in my own home. Inside and out. I posted this around 2:00 p.m est. Since then ive been severly hit to the tempral lobes. My left one mostly. I am willing to take the punishment. Just to be sure that the rest of you American people and your families in the future are protected from this abuse. I will go to any extent to be sure this perp or perps does not get away with this. Another person going through this sickens me.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
87 Who Would Do This?
Ive learned alot. And an absolute truth about this matter is that this can happen to you. If you think that the NSA privacy things your seeing in the news is a broken law? You should see my home. Who ever is doing this to me? Is commiting crimes against humanity. Right here in America. I read a tweet on twitter the other day. A women was crying out for help. She is a T.I ( Targeted Individual) just like myself. She was crying out HELP!!! THERE KILLING ME!!! And i believe it totally. The body abuse and mental abuse is unbelievable. Look on youtube America. Wake up!!! Search Targeted Individual. Prepare yourself. And means to protect your family. Theyve owned my life and home for over a year. Since around the spring of 2016. Your life is highjacked.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
86 Evidence Of Other Family Members
This is not by far a sick story. This is very real as thousands of others are going through this same torture. Even my daughter complained that today she had strange chest pains through out the day. Ive been shot in the temples a good part of the day. My cousin has had the same symptoms as mine and even his kids. Someone is so handy about breaking into cell phones that theyve darkened all of my videos. So you can bairley see them. So i downloaded a new hd camera from the app store. Worked great. Got super evidence. I had succesfully uploaded to my youtube.com account. Even got a email confirmation of it being downloaded. The next day i checked my new app and all of my videos were darkened out again. And checked youtube to see that my video was gone.