Sunday, October 29, 2017

131 "Theory From Experience"

I am set up on an incarceration type set up. Is my thoughts.My perps would like me to do time. But this is the only way they can transparently get this done.  Now if you've watched your news? They've cracked down on the contracting of people to effectively administer sech a project. Here's my thoughts. This is from going through this for so long. I am hooked up to a remote neutral monitor system. And through your gene pool. You have a make up unlike anyone else's. Like a finger print for instance. There no 2 exactly the same. This is the benefit. My body is tagged and barcoded for placement of body sensors. Each part of my body is marked and the remote neutral can communicate with each barcode. Just like at the grocery store. The barcode scanner reads the product. And by computer it recognises the data that has been input for that certain product. The word remote meaning. People sitting in front of computer screens with ability to administer pain and discomfort. To any barcoded area of the body. How this barcode adheres to the skin is another question? Maybe burnt into thre skin ever so slightly? This is where the every so accurate blow to the body administered. Even at 65 m.p.h going down the highway. Can be accomplished. I've been beat for 2 years this way. Ask yourself? Who has the facility to these tools? And how careful the login credentials must be handled? Now coming from a person that has no experience in this field? This is a rough guess. As i write this, i am getting fondled in the anal cavity.  And am being tortured in the knees by a slow burn style method. Meaning that at a low setting. My perps are shooting me in the knees. I am being hurt to impede my ability to do anything actively. Or to thwart any thoughts of doing anything. " Like leaving my house" for instance.  As i lye here in bed with swollen knees. My BTS tracker app. On my android phone. Shows a blue dot where my phone should be within 3 cubic feet. My blue dot is floating around over my house. And in the yard area. Very near my windows. I can cover with my hands. My knees, Blocking the direction the blue dot resides in. And can gain some relief. My perp is still connect to my phone.

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