Yes its been this long. Since around Sept. of 2015. And gradually things has gotten worse to the date. Today is Sunday March 19th 2017. I never wanted to, have to conduct the research ive done on the internet? Namely stating. Who would of thought it could happen to me? But what ive learned has made me much wiser, about whats going on around me. Ive learned that theres no sacred place. Even in your own home. And what your seeing on the news today. It is the truth. About the privacy abuse. You have no privacy at all. And things are getting worse. The people that hold the power. And have become complacent with its use. Are abusing human rights. And are not following the laws that America has in place. These laws were meant for a reason. It doesnt matter if your rich or poor. Are you aware that tax payers money funds people to harass others? Like me? Yes this is very true. They are brown nosers. Human expierimentation is part of it. And once your put on a black list?? They pick on you to get you to cross the line. Its all about positioning. And ultimately. Getting some dirt on you to get a wrap sheet going? And put you in jail. Its like? Have you ever heard of bullying? Id have to say that instead of pushing me over the line? Im more of a man ,than they will ever be. Its aproven fact. Some real high test equiptment being used on me. Everyday. Days,weekends and holidays. For this long? Guess what bubba? Im still here. And always will be. When you decided to invade my home. Like a bunch of terrorists. Ive handled everything youve dished out. You will never forget me. Thats for sure. And theres no doubt about it. Thank you for opening my eyes.
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