Ive had a full year of body beating and trauma for the first year. For my second year. Wow! Have things changed. The bts tracker app on my phone still shows the location of something other than my phone. On the GPS style map. I went from taking punishment from whatever my phone connected too? And from appliances in my house. Such as L.E.D lights. Now ive went from that to what ive found on the internet. My findings is from a CDC.gov website. And Wiki. I am a victim of some form of human testing im thinking? Expierimentation. Like all the resources have stated. Is that.Some large weapon testing outfits and contractors will find a human test subject. I am still in my bedroom of all places? And elsewhere. But they are depriving me now of sleep again. I got home lastnight Aug. 16th 2017. And they tortured my body with this lighting and body sensors. From 11:30 est. To 5:30 a.m est. I had 5 hours of sleep before i had to go to work. Its the same reports that many other people have complained about. Its like an infrared light. And its being projected from the sky. Really some phenom kind of abilitys. If it was used in the correct way. Ut unfortunately for my family and myself. Weve got to keep suffering. This projector is able to project images as well. But we are dealing with some real sexual predators here. My body is like rigged with these sensors. They appear to be in the same places. 24/7. My crotch is one spot. My bottomside is another. Under my chin. On my shoulders. Under my arm pits. My feet. On top of my head and back. I get get raped daily. Just like there is no law against it. These people are getting away with this all acrossed America. "Now a land with no laws". The ability to perform pain and torture is unbelievable. I really need an attorney more now than anything. I believe i am some sort of test "Rat" for someone to try out there equiptment on. My left tempral lobe feel like something is hitting it constantley. Or connected to it. It drains all of your energy and creates a headache. I really need an M.R.I after all the head trauma ive endured for the last 2 years. The Nano technology they are using feel just like you are wearing clothing made of insulation. The type that goes into your walls. The light projector has the ability to penetrate my bed from through the windows and saturate areas. And and make the bed feel like insulation. Im not alergic. Nothing has changed in laundry detergants. Nor has the same sheets and comforter sets. I can see this lighting. And i have it captured on my camera as well. My bedroom has been the focus point everynight now for 2 years. For some reason. I had troubles prior. With radar. Pulsating in a circular motion and pulse style. That lasted for a year straight. I can only imagine what they are doing to my kids and wife? Thats a sick torturious thought in its own? I know so much more than what ive written. When the time is right... If ever?? You will be enlightened to open your eyes to see. Theyve tried there best to drive me to the point of no return. Day in and day out. 2 solid years of 100o/o "PAIN". People have no clue to what ive gone through. Or what this has done to my family. Right now its 1:31 a.m est. They had me set up to get into my bed as i got home from work tonight. I wasnt in my bed for a minute and they already started the body torturing. As i sit downstairs right now i can feel the body sensors crawling up my anal cavity. I worked all night until 11:00 p.m est. This is not a fluke,lie,or a mental issue whats soever... I will que you into supporting factors in the near future. I will hand you the truth and give you the follow up evidence and details that support this fact. As a matter of fact if youve followed this blog and read along. You would know by now that for some of this phenom stuff thats happened at my house. I reported. And was placed under a "mental arrest". Give me the chance people. I will be sure you are fully detailed later. Right now its 4:19 a.m Tuesday morning. Imstill going through the punishment in my bed. Raped up the ass.
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