Saturday, November 25, 2017

141 "Truck Just Dies"

I had recently purchased a truck. This truck is the newest that ive had so far in life. Ive had this truck for about 3 weeks now. Im paying $30,000 for this. It only had 14k miles and run like a top. Engine just broke in. I knew when i picked this up. It would be molested, just like everything else electronically driven that we own. Since around the fall of 2015 when this all started. Today Saturday November 25th 2017. I had taken my truck downtown. The truck is in mint shape. All of a sudden the truck starts acting like there was a flat spot in the gas pedal. Bucking and snorting. And stalled.This happened 2 other times downtown today? Finally. We had it picked up by a roll back. Clearly this should have thrown a trouble code. But never did? This is not the first time my vehicles have been tampered with. My overhead navigator randomly tells me to perform service? No trouble codes apparent? I get a trouble code in my car that states the car is running to cool? Is there any reason for this? It happened twice. And was reset by a trouble code reader and never happened again? As well without touching the cruise control in another vehicle? The dash cluster light. Says cruse? Telling me to go? Ive had my car doors unlocked without a key or fab? All else aside of this the electronics in my home. They can stop the motion sensors on security night lights. So the lights dont trigger on.They can zoom your camera lense for you on your telephone and other camcorders. To fine tune an image. Plus short zoom within the tollerance you adjusted it to. White out nightvision monoculars. So you cant see. Even if your away from objects. Nothing anywhere near the lense? Erase paragraphs that i had written. Such as in this blog. And control certain things from being posted on this phone to this blog. As well as control data. On jetpacks and cell phones. Meaning that as soon as an airplane gets any where within hearing distance from my home. They duck our home signal down from say 1 bar of 4g to 2 to 3 bars of x. Like as if they are using our phones for something. Why? You could use the jet pack if they would let you? As well as erase an entire evening of tree cams photographs. And never even bother the daytime pics? Not just one but two tree cams brand new? My television recievers have been tampered with. My washing machine has been shut off in mid cycle. It seems as if my television is delayed? Meaning that there is some form of source inbetween the satellite and the reciever thats not supposed to be there. This must be being done remotley from some source? What kind of machine can do such tasks? And who would own one and why? Ive seen television shows that certain people had the capability to turn off a car. This was a true fact. As well this is the second or third phone that this phenom has happened to. This phone was brand new as well. My kids and wifes phone through the data and phone tampering had acted funny and each one of our phones would go in and out of service together? We got 3 brand new jetpacks from verizon. And finally the 3rd one worked. After someone let it....  My family has been punished. And has been expiriancing the burdon of the expense. Weve as well had alot of electronics failures. And ive safe guarded them with surge strips?


As suspected the truck was checked over and run fine by the dealer.After it was roll backed and checked over. No true trouble codes and ran fine through the diagnostics. They have no reason why the truck acted this way? And could not give any reasons to why this happened. They have even been driving it to put on some miles. Anyways i will be picking this up tomorrow on November 27th.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

139 Ebay Account Hacked

Someone helped themselves to our ebay account. And purchased over $300 worth of bit coins. Yesterday November 17th.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017



This post is about:

Part I: Psychotronics – what it is and how it works.Part II: Psychotronics used for torture.Part III: Advanced technologies associated with psychotronics.

PART I: Psychotronics is a complicated subject, and not everyone agrees what it is about.  I would describe it as ‘manipulating brain activity to achieve physiological outcomes’. Picture above:  How perpetrators may see Targeted Individuals via psychotronics.  Source:

The main point about psychotronics is that it can be used remotely, and anonymously on innocent civilians for torture, mind control and sinister political purposes.  Criminal perpetrators can commit crimes against humanity without detection, as if they were invisible. They can in fact be detected, but only through use of similar technologies.

‘ Just because these criminals are using invisible directed energy weapons and not  guns, and because they redefined information warfare as propaganda, we are supposed to think it is less than war and murder of the citizens. These are invisible weapons being used far more destructively than a simple bullet to the head.’’

However psychotronics is widely used in health treatments, enabling people suffering from

paralysis to speak and move, and enhancing sight for people with partial blindness or hearing problems.  When it comes to new technologies, psychotronics is just the tip of the iceberg.  This post looks at some of the implications of psychotronics, and what is now in the public domain about a range of formerly secret technologies.  Picture opposite: Cochlear implant.


Some people interpret psychotronics as meaning ‘synthetic telepathy’, or referring exclusively to weapons purposes. Here are three different interpretations of ‘psychotronics’:

–  Psychotronics as synthetic telepathy

‘Synthetic telepathy also known as techlepathy or psychotronics – is a term used to describe the process in brain-computer interfaces by which human thought (as electromagnetic radiation) is intercepted, processed by computer and a return signal generated that is perceptible by the human brain. (ref 1,2,3,4)’

1. – Army developing ‘synthetic telepathy’
2. – US army developing synthetic telepathy
3. url= – Army Sinks Millions Into “Synthetic Telepathy” Research
4. – Tips and Tricks for Mind Control from the US Military

Source: at

–  Psychotronics as weapons development programmes

‘Development programs for microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons designed to influence the central nervous system’. Source: Marshall Thomas – Monarch II  -Victims.pdf

Psychotronics as a method of inflicting torture and mind control

There are two options for inflicting torture, gang-stalking or remote Directed Energy Weapons  – DEW.  Unless the TI lives nearby, gang-stalking isn’t an option, which is why Remote Neural Monitoring used to be a requirement – If you aim a precision electronic weapon at someone from a distance, you want to know where you hit them, and what effect that had on them.

If perpetrators wanted to carry out assassination, they would use lethal equipment.  The purpose of targeting individuals seems to be to force them into virtual slavery using electronic weapons and to brainwash them into obedience using mind control.  This would never be achieved over night, which is why an episode of psychosis followed by temporary incarceration in a mental institution were regular tools that perpetrators used in an attempt to create new mind contro

Friday, November 10, 2017

137 Another Victims Account Twitter

136 Scientists now able to see through walls

Scientists now able to ‘SEE through walls’ using Wi-Fi

SCIENTISTS have created a way to see through walls using Wi-Fi, leading to major privacy concerns.


16:16, Tue, May 23, 2017 | UPDATED: 16:26, Tue, May 23, 2017
Boffins have developed a system to create images of a room without seeing what is actually inside it.

The new technology works as Wi-Fi is not restricted to physical boundaries and has the capability to travel through objects.

While most of the Wi-Fi signals are received by the likes of our phones and computers, some signals remain in the open, which scientists have found a way to utilise.

The technology from German engineers sees two antennae put to use: one is stationary while the other is mobile.

The fixed antenna records the background of the Wi-Fi field while the other antenna is moved to different points to gain alternative reference points.

Both antennae record the intensity of the Wi-Fi signals and its ‘phase’ – the light property that comes from the wave.

Recordings are simultaneously fed into a computer which is then able to generate 3D holograms.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

135 Carl Herman

Targeted Individuals: testimony of current government covert torture & control experiments

Posted on January 24, 2016 by Carl Herman

We’ve documented US government use of harmful and deadly experiments upon the public (herehereherehereherehereherehere for just a few, and that the US tortures people in Orwellian violation of six binding areas of law). This is the story of a reader who contacted us. Another reader with similar testimony, Elizabeth Coady of Chicago, submitted the following image: “Here is an X-ray showing what I’ve deduced is telemetry wire. It’s activated several times a day, and is only one of the devices in me. They have ‘triangulated’ devices in me to cause severe internal burning, and once a three-week bout of radiation enteritis. I cannot find a doctor to remove this device.” If anyone knows of a willing doctor in that area, please contact me and I’ll send the information to Elizabeth.

133 "Totality"

Innocent civilians worldwide are being incorrectly diagnosed as mentally ill in world spanning directed energy weapon COINTELPRO operations. One objective is to marginalize the person by destroying their credibility. This is done by framing the target as mentally ill with technologies such as electromagnetic mind control or microwave hearing. Targets are alienated to the general population after being initiated to aspects of the conspiracy and are viciously attacked on a daily basis.]: A big part of the targeted individual plight involves being framed as mentally ill. Exploring this topic further I found that a former CIA engineer says that psychiatry and psychology were engineered with these technologies in mind. See the quote for yourself:

“While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful through out time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. That is labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. The military has employed this tactic since the 60’s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60’s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population.” ~Ex-CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan, From the Out of Print Book; The Matrix Deciphered