Saturday, November 4, 2017

133 "Totality"

Innocent civilians worldwide are being incorrectly diagnosed as mentally ill in world spanning directed energy weapon COINTELPRO operations. One objective is to marginalize the person by destroying their credibility. This is done by framing the target as mentally ill with technologies such as electromagnetic mind control or microwave hearing. Targets are alienated to the general population after being initiated to aspects of the conspiracy and are viciously attacked on a daily basis.]: A big part of the targeted individual plight involves being framed as mentally ill. Exploring this topic further I found that a former CIA engineer says that psychiatry and psychology were engineered with these technologies in mind. See the quote for yourself:

“While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful through out time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. That is labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. The military has employed this tactic since the 60’s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60’s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population.” ~Ex-CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan, From the Out of Print Book; The Matrix Deciphered

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