Saturday, January 27, 2018

145 Beams of light in our bedroom

I am being shot up the ass in my bedroom. To the throat and all. They are using some form of light beam. You can clearly feel this shit on your body.  Sunday jan 28th 12:50 a.m est.

Again 11:50p.m est. Tonight as i layed in my bed the same thing as lastnight. Sunday.

3:20 a.m monday jan. 29th again

3:30 a.m tuesday january 30th. Same thing. Est.

Again early wednesday morning. Around 12:30 a.m.

(This has an electrical value feeling involved. Picture itchy wall insulation with a shot of static electricity added to it. It produces a stingy warmth that seems to adhere to the body.) Again it has the saturation point kind of ability to create a plume in an area of saturation. In my bed. The wife lyes there as well. But is not effected. Whoever is involved in this has multiple entries into the bedroom. This could be remote neutral. Or sattelite? Unsure of this individuals demeanor other than? May have some pyschological issues. This by far is not a farse. Intentionally driven. Make no mistake. I am as well taking direct shots to the tesricles still. And have had my knees shot in the shower as well as the static shot to the bottomside.

Purchased a new camera $315.00. New memory card. All is correct as far as setting time and date. This happened as well in the spring of 2016. I had 2 cameras. They both worked perfect. A Sony and a Cannon. The perps were able to generate a ( Card Memory Error). With fresh memory cards both at once. Now to no suprise. I told myself this lastnight that someone was going to induce this same error to this brand new camera. And low and behold. Here we have it? Who has this technology? They are responcable for whats happening at my home now. For over 2 years solid.

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