Monday night November 23rd 2016. My wife and i sat and watched television in the lower portion of our house. For some unknown reason? This is the spot for punishment for me? Most regularley abused. In some way shape or form. As we sat watching tv. We have our two dogs. Now this is not the first time for this to happen. I can remember at least 10 to 12 different occasions just to start. We love our animals. And we are the type of people that would never be cruel to animals. Anyways my rot weiler begins this terrable farting. Rottys do some times anyways but... She just would not stop. I noticed she started to lick the carpet. And usually does when she dont feel good. Now i was thinking that there was something wrong again with this? So instead of opening my back door to let her out. She would chew grass then anyways and bark at the meth lab next door. I would give her a piece of bread instead of grass chewing. And instead of giving these sick basterds there way with my dogs. Yes thats correct America. We stand back as they use our dogs. Anyways i figured it would only be moments and a car would enter the meth lab driveway. This is a proven track record. We have a new puppy about 12 weeks old. A cute little pug. We have been potty training her. She needs as a routine to go outside for a pee or other after each time she wakes up from a sleep. So we be sure to put her out the back door after each nap. Or small sleeping spell. Anyways as i sat there. The puppy started to get wrestless and move around on the couch. I knew at that point my tormentors were trying to get the puppy up so we would take her out the back door. These sickos needed a scare tactic? Distraction or some reason to have us be seen at the door? Now ask yourself why? The only thing i can even begin to imagine is to have us seen in thhe back of our house. To thwart or scare away a nosey lab stalker? And youve got it. And only moments and a car would pull in there driveway. This has happened way to many times to be a co insodence. Who are these people? The ones that has taken over our home and lives? The puppy is a recent replacement for a dog we had to have put to sleep. Our previous dog was used the same way. And my dogs wouldnt even sleep near windows and stay away as best as possable. And even changed there sleeping spots. But my mastiff had suffered a back injury paralising both rear legs. We had a suit case that would wrap her body and took her to the bathroom in and out that way. She seemed to never have any pain in her rear end. Never yelped once. But she would lay on the floor and cry like something was hurting her? The day we had to take her to the vet to have her put down after 11 years. I all day and on the way the the vets to have this sad thing done. Was shot in the right testicle the whole way there and back. No lie!!! Yes even in the car. But ill never forget the day we had this done. My dog in the car acted like she was being attacked. And a painful yelping like you knew she was hurting. Even moving in the car trying to drag herself by her front feet. She never yelped when we picked her whole rearend up to take her out for a pee. Again you got it!!! The truth lyes here. As i am the captive and hitler style slave. Here in my home.
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