Today is another day on meth mountain. I sat on the couch area yesterday. Took a few shots to the left temple. Happy Thanksgiving.But this morning i wake up and total attack to the right testicle again. Sounds funny,but not. This is turning more into a serious matter than ever. Todays technology is amazing. Hopefully you never go through what i am here. Its very much like what the news is talking about " Waterboarding torture". It is really funny how my electronics in my home can act up. For some reason i have to replace the control board in my wash machine. Whats that got to do with anything? In the near future youll find out. "Trust Me". When American people find out the truth behind all these money saving l.e.d lights and control boards. Youll want nothing to do with them. Read up. As i sit here. Still getting shots to the testcle. Do i have a problem down there? No!!! Absolutley not!! The problem is the operator of a sattelite. And they are very crooked people. They can acess your dash in your car. Cameras,including erase photos on tree cams. All remotely. Your computer. And yes tap into your electronics totally. Jet packs,cell phones. Ive had paragraphs i have written erased from this blogger app. Right under my nose. I have pages they would not let me publish. They will not let me upload any of the body abuse photos. My phones battery being brand new will not stay charged. The same thing with my previous one. I had times were the phone would not charge fast enough with it plugged in? Sounds like sci fi your thinking? Get real!!! Real fast!! They can control the brain in your car too. Along will satellite tv recievers. Watch Cyber wars on television. Just as a start. My whole home is rigged.
Example: On large construction jobs some of the bulldozers are run by satellite. Thats correct.
But things has gotten way further advanced then just that. Somebody in a higher up position in the world is suffocating my rights for the lab nextdoor. Why are they doing this? Like taking advantage of my home. I can move around in my bed. Just getting up. And the lab people take off? Blinds in the windows with curtains on them. Dont even have to turn on the light. Now whats up with that.
(Theres certain people out here that know exactley what i am talking about.) You know who you are. You need to come in this area and rid this family of the crooked business practices that are going here. Its all a silent little game they are putting me through. All amoungst the gang. Stalking is against the law. My cell phones? They can stop my webforms from sending. And including stop my emails as well. It is nothing else but them with total control. Suffocating my American rights. I am looking for help getting rid of my electronic harassment. And the guilty party that is responsable are trying to stop any means to help myself. I mean total suffocation. I believe i am being followed as well. Meaning anyplace in my vehicle.
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