Today is December 22nd. And its two days till Christmas. Merry Christmas to everyone. Christmas is not whats under the tree but rather,whos around the tree instead. For myself it holds any sort of hope that i am jobless at this point in time. And have a hard time working and leaving my home under the conditions that ive lived through. If youd read this story so far you surely understand what im talking about. I can get the fact that something like this could be very easily passed off, as a bogus story. But rest assured this its totally real. And i wished it was not true. As well as if youve read? You could only imagine standing in my shoes. And what each day brings? By all means i actually tried to purchase a firearm yesterday to protect my family in case of a break in and for general turkey hunting. I have in the past been sucessful at a purchase. But now for some reason. My attempt was rejected. Someones still got there fingers in,controlling my life and home here. I am a believer about that? On the firearm purchase? I am now questionable? For my home for sure. I could see it but its been a year and a quarter now. And the authorities have attempted at busting the meth lab nextdoor. And failed. Now we have a so called bees nest. Thats been poked. And esculated so to say. Weve lived this way. We are living in a way to which our freedoms and civil rights have been severly abused. Amoungst my body. Electronic harassment style.The only thing that comes to thought is? We are being held down. Since my last publish. My computer has failed. And my dehumidifier has failed as well. As i had previously mentioned, as this ongoing deprevation of life continues. My dogs are still getting sick around the same times. For some reason its always, just after dark. And by the way if you seen my big rotty in the dark? Youd run too. Shes 140 pounds of warrior. If i had to let her out. The toll that this has taken on my family? Is unbelieveable. My wife and i are on the rocks after being married for 21 years. My charactor has been deformed. And our privacy. Is totally gone. We have nothing,but an empty shell of a home that used to be. My friends all wonder were ive been for the last year and a quarter? As i do not want to impose this issue or threat to them and there family. By going to there homes. As i am typing out this paragraph. The meth lab people are fleeing their driveway.
This an ongoing true to life story of Electronic harassment. This is still happening to my home and family. The worst of it all started in around oct. Of 2015. It is still going on today oct. 27th 2016.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
68 Civil Rights And The 4th Amendment
Merry Christmas to all you safe Americans. Whats been happening here at my house? The same sodomizing and rape to my genitals. My head and body being used like a free for all. I feel like a grocery store product that youd have to squeeze in order to feel if i was ripe. The same meth lab nextdoor making around the clock. As my home is being held down by some super sofisticated equiptment. I am still being sexually assaulted. In a very brutal way. Its still in such a way that i can get up in the morning in my bed. And not even touch the floor. First thing in the morning. With shades and curtains on my windows in the bedroom. And the meth lab people clear out of thier driveway. And most of the time when someone leaves the meth lab driveway. I get a prick the the left middle finger. ("Left F*ck You). We are talking gear that is cutting edge. Something you would only think to see in a Sci Fi movie. Qualified individuals would know exactley what im talking about. Now its been this way for a long time. Many,many months. I can see something is wrong with my satellite reciever for tv. I can be watching tv and lines go through the screen. Like something is snapping in and out. My phone is hacked and has been for around a year and a quarter. Solid. I just installed a GSM finder phone app. That tells you what your phones connected too. I got the screen shots of my culprit. And they quickly. Stopped the app. And zeroed everything out. So all the identifing factors of my phone connection disappeared. My new computer no longer works. Ive had paragraphs that i have written disappear right under my nose. And for some reason my blog app. That i am using now is dictated by them. Anotherwords. They can and will stop my page from being published. Theyve deprived me of uploading any photos. After they realised i uploaded the first one. They quickly fixed my ability to add anymore. This includes stopping my internet entirely as they wish. Like i said before. My electronics are failing. Anything with a memory. Or anything with a l.e.d display screen. So my family a i are at a loss for Christmas. As this continues as a ongoing privacy problem.Our home has been swallowed by some high tech gear. I feel as if we are being held down for the meth lab nextdoor. And the reasoning for the body abuse is pure nonesense in a hobbs, 4th and detention kind of way. Seems really coward like. And very sick way ,to say the least. Now if you could see past your nose? Youd understand whats happening to us. The same spear feeling shots to my temples all day. It makes your ears ring bad. Really tired and with a headache. Usually my head is used as a communication tool. Like a shot to the right temple is (The right Thought) and a shot to the left temple is (Leave thought). The usual shot to the left hand side of the neck( Left pain in the neck) and (Right pain in the neck). I aswell believe that the shooting to my right testicle. Represents "Meth" (As being "The Right Nut") One could only imagine being shot in the genitals tens of thousands of times. And amoungst the head and body. And the qualification as to this so called human being behind the controls of this sicko machine. Actually can do this with no remorse whatsoever. Including my dogs.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
67 Methers with some high tech gear
The same things are happening here at our home as usual. Today wed. December14th. Seems like theeth lab next door has some real crooks with some really space like high tech gear. When your considering as soon as you wake up in your bed and their all leaving the driveway from the meth lab next door? Thats getting pretty spacey considering our bedroom is on the second floor of the house and you do not even have to turn the lights on and thier fleeing out of the driveway nextdoor. And considering the fact that ive taken all this abuse from the same weapons of sorts. This is equiptment that you and i cannot readily get our hands on here. So you know who and how crooked they are. A little bit unfair advantage as they hold my intranet under at there will. And dictate what i can send and use on my jetpack and cell phone? Think hard.... Whats going on here at my house? You got it. I can type a paragraph like this and ylthey have the power to stop me from publishing. Erasing paragraphs under my nose. HOSTAGE ring a bell. Total deprivation of rights and beat around in our not private home.
Monday, December 12, 2016
66 Merry Methmas
I hope your all having a great Christmas. But for my family and myself. Its the same situation as before. I am still under Electronic Harassment. Yesterday morning the same as ever. I wake up to shots of direct energy weapon to the head. My tormentors make it a Sunday morning ritual. And as for the Meth lab nextdoor. They are making like its no ones business. I mean to say they might just as well put up a sign. And go legit into business here. I can even smell a fosforus like smell when i walk outside my house. Now if youve read this true ongoing story youd know the deal here. I am being held down nextdoor to the lab as they get away with the impossable. Its still in such a way. I can get up out of my bed. And not even actually get out of my bed itself. And the lab people are leaving the their driveway. I have window blinds plus curtains if that tells you anything. I am really tired of living this way in a so called free country. I am still getting shot to the left middle finger during the day. ( Left F*ck You) They want me to leave my home. Which is not going to happen. I get shot in the neck ( Left or right pain in the neck). I am still getting shot up the bottomside and in the testicles ,including the penis. My hpme serves as some form of SIMS game style grid that they hang over all day long. Everyday 7 days a week. Its beens this way now for atleast 10 months. I have recieved so much punishment. I cant even count anymore. My electronics are burning out in my home left and right. Certain people would know exactley what im talking about. So another Christmas down the tubes. As the freedom bell rings. It never rings here. We have sick individuals on this planet. They deserve a parking spot next to Adolf Hitler. Last night my dogs were used again as some form of tool out of my home. They get shot in the guts. So that it makes them sick. Or induce a bowel movement. (ARE YOU GETTING THIS? YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?) We live in a concentration style camp. And are being held as a form of captivity. Followed whereever we go. Phones tapped. You get the picture. Someone making big cash off of nextdoor. As our home and life lives under thier control.
Friday, December 9, 2016
65 As The Lab Chirns
Hello safe Americans. Its been a few days since my last post. But its the same planet here for my family. They do not seem to be bothering the rest of my family like they are me. But they sure are making tons of meth nextdoor. I mean this place is like a factory. And every attemp that the law makes to bust the place. Is a fail. Its been this way for better than a year now. It must be a sad day for them. And evenworse for me.But inbetween all of this. I am still getting abused. Thats correct. In my home and out. The BTS Tracker from Sugarcube from the app store Android even shows the placement of my stalker hooked to my phone. As my phone is downstairs. The blue placement follows me upstairs as i have sex with my wife. It hovers over our bedroom. I can come back downstairs were the phone sat the whole time and it actually shows the blue dot followed us upstairs? Now are you thinking what im thinking? You got it. Its been this way for months on end. We are providing a show and are not even supposed to know it. But i do. The location of this blue dot is were ive recieved punishment from as well. This morning i wake up out of bed to punishment to the head. I mean it seemed like it was from all directions. I even unplugged my tv and satellite reciever. If your in the business? Youll know about the abilitys to use l.e.d lights.Around 4:00 a.m est. So someone has acess to some high tech equiptment up here. And they are holding me under as they make meth by the pounds. This is such a severe situation. And has been handled very unprofessional. Now i am thinking that since theres snow on the ground. Stalkers are not able to make tracks in the snow. Id see the tracks. So they figured they would put on the pressure. And drive me out of my bedroom down by my coffee pot. So they could see were i was in my home. I would have to walk between windows with the lights on. We leave lights on at night. Trust me you would too.So they could do what they needed to do nextdoor at the lab. Now it would only seem logical to me that like usual. They made a batch of meth overnight. And was holding the bag persay. And the batch of meth was in there hands. And not trusting me. They felt comfort in nowing were i resided. "So what ever crook" is running this gear. Is using it in a wrongful way. If you get the gist here? You dont get this off the shelf nowhere. "So go figure". And another supporting factor is. The labbers when they stalked us on foot only. They would watch for me to get out of bed. From a position outside in the woods. So they could run the batch of meth out. But now. Get a load of this. I can just wake up and move in my bed. Not even put my pants on. And the cars are racing out of the driveway? I have blinds and curtains over the blinds. In all windows. Which obstructs any point of view. So youve got it. They are having to use radar. Now i have actually taken movies of this radaring. Yes thats correct. We are being radared when we go to bed. Our hostage style life has led to this. They have been radaring us in our home for months on end. "So that being the case". We are being watched in the shower. Bathrooms and everyplace in our home. Right here in America. They have us under serveilance 24/7. Nice life huh? Try living this way? Well see how far it gets. But our home is like a big discount store for having any rights for some reason. They beat me around with prick feeling shots to the body. Including the testicles,stabbing feels to the neck,shots of electrical feeling punishment up the bottomside and penis. This has happened for months on end. They can give you an what feels like a air blast to the ears. Like someone slapping your head on your ear hole. They can make a burn feeling. The punishment to live here alone has been a hitler style torture chamber. As they keep us under control. My most recent finding is that. I am being followed by drones. And i mean a fleet of them. So no more foot prints in the snow. The meth lab has graduated to a more sophisticated set up. And freedom and justice. Is dictated by them and there dirty partners.