The same things are happening here at our home as usual. Today wed. December14th. Seems like theeth lab next door has some real crooks with some really space like high tech gear. When your considering as soon as you wake up in your bed and their all leaving the driveway from the meth lab next door? Thats getting pretty spacey considering our bedroom is on the second floor of the house and you do not even have to turn the lights on and thier fleeing out of the driveway nextdoor. And considering the fact that ive taken all this abuse from the same weapons of sorts. This is equiptment that you and i cannot readily get our hands on here. So you know who and how crooked they are. A little bit unfair advantage as they hold my intranet under at there will. And dictate what i can send and use on my jetpack and cell phone? Think hard.... Whats going on here at my house? You got it. I can type a paragraph like this and ylthey have the power to stop me from publishing. Erasing paragraphs under my nose. HOSTAGE ring a bell. Total deprivation of rights and beat around in our not private home.
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