Thursday, July 13, 2017

95 The Game Being Played

If youve followed and copied and pasted the links i provided you with? You will see how much of a reality this really is. I would like to ensure that you as Americans understand. The fate that has been created for you and your families. And the reality of the next generation of a lawless land. Open your eyes! I would like to tell you in further detail as to my newest form of harassment. It will come in very precise detail. And you can trust everything that im saying. As a no bull kind of guy. The only insane people are the administrators and creators of this sick game. I seem to be on a schedule of sorts? And my same tormenting is happening by the clock. I have had no relief of whats been going on. It seems like slow murder to me. As my body is attacked in my internal organs. And constant abuse to the left tempralobe of my head. I as well have had something shot into my mouth and throat. As i inhale it tastes sulfer like and kind of rusty. It makes you cough. I had an MRI that showed leashons to my brain from head abuse. I was lucky enough to have another to verse it from. Now my head has been beat on for another year and a half. At this rate. My life span has been shortened. For the onset of tumors and brain cancer. And just to think? Theres real human beings behind the mask. Of this tragic reality. You will find in time.  And this is my prediction. That if these things do not stop. It will start a war. Someone needs to get ahold of this technology and put a cap on its ability to invade your homes. And to hold you in a secret chamber of a beating. Demoralise does not even hold a candle to what we have under our noses. You will find out in the near future. And i am taking the punishment for you. You can only listen. And it means so much to your family, yourself and future. Wake up America. Wake up. I am being forced into uncharted territories,as far as finding out. If this is project called mk ultra 2,mk ultra,jade or pheonix. My body after research is full of body tags. Barcodes. Like when you are getting groceries. And when they scan the slab of meat and food that you had purchased at checkout. They have been strategically placed in very uncomfortable spot. How? Thats a good question? Why? Thats another one to find out? Itch,burn and sting kind of feelings. And must be they have some sort of computer that will hit whatever barcode they would like to administer the pain and discomfort too. In its location on the body. Thats how it works. So must be im in jail or prison without a trial. A judge or a jury? Illegal detention in a consentration style hitler camp. Someone dont like me. But they do not have enough dirt to put me in jail? How nice?!! And they are in control of this kind of tech. Thats even worse for you and your families. Section 8 ring a bell? Id like to take a moment to let my friends and family know. That i havnt been around for a long time. I do not want to drag this misfortune into your homes.

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