Saturday, July 29, 2017

99 One American On Foot Against Aerial High Tech.

I am one unarmed American father. Against some really high test aerial equiptment. "Rather a sitting duck". I am being shot in the knees. The left temple continuosly. Being force fed some type of rusty, sulphery tasting something. You can as well feel it  in your lungs and throat. Still being shot up the rectum. My perps have constant need. I am as well being shot in the right arms rotator cup on a daily basis. My bedroom where my wife and i sleep is as well being invaded. I have been waking up and have been being woke up by a slow burn method to my back. Ive been shot in the back by a weapon of sorts. I can at points get some relief. And right back to the pain. Why would anyone want to do this? This is not an underlying medical issue either. You can feel the weapon move around in your body. It point of impact.

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