Friday, December 29, 2017

142 Truck In Park "Goes In Neutral"

Today December 29th i was sitting in my 2015 truck. It was clearly in park. And on a gentle slope. As i set in my truck to warm it up. The shift lever was in park and even read in park on the dash. Suddenly? The shift lever sit still. But the truck clicked out of parking gear? As i felt the shift sitting in the truck seat from underneath. I quickly hit the brakes from rolling forward. Click out of park on the shift lever. Back to park again.  Today December 29th at 8:32 a.m Est. Who pulling this shit? Ive seen this same thing on Cyber wars as well.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

141 "Truck Just Dies"

I had recently purchased a truck. This truck is the newest that ive had so far in life. Ive had this truck for about 3 weeks now. Im paying $30,000 for this. It only had 14k miles and run like a top. Engine just broke in. I knew when i picked this up. It would be molested, just like everything else electronically driven that we own. Since around the fall of 2015 when this all started. Today Saturday November 25th 2017. I had taken my truck downtown. The truck is in mint shape. All of a sudden the truck starts acting like there was a flat spot in the gas pedal. Bucking and snorting. And stalled.This happened 2 other times downtown today? Finally. We had it picked up by a roll back. Clearly this should have thrown a trouble code. But never did? This is not the first time my vehicles have been tampered with. My overhead navigator randomly tells me to perform service? No trouble codes apparent? I get a trouble code in my car that states the car is running to cool? Is there any reason for this? It happened twice. And was reset by a trouble code reader and never happened again? As well without touching the cruise control in another vehicle? The dash cluster light. Says cruse? Telling me to go? Ive had my car doors unlocked without a key or fab? All else aside of this the electronics in my home. They can stop the motion sensors on security night lights. So the lights dont trigger on.They can zoom your camera lense for you on your telephone and other camcorders. To fine tune an image. Plus short zoom within the tollerance you adjusted it to. White out nightvision monoculars. So you cant see. Even if your away from objects. Nothing anywhere near the lense? Erase paragraphs that i had written. Such as in this blog. And control certain things from being posted on this phone to this blog. As well as control data. On jetpacks and cell phones. Meaning that as soon as an airplane gets any where within hearing distance from my home. They duck our home signal down from say 1 bar of 4g to 2 to 3 bars of x. Like as if they are using our phones for something. Why? You could use the jet pack if they would let you? As well as erase an entire evening of tree cams photographs. And never even bother the daytime pics? Not just one but two tree cams brand new? My television recievers have been tampered with. My washing machine has been shut off in mid cycle. It seems as if my television is delayed? Meaning that there is some form of source inbetween the satellite and the reciever thats not supposed to be there. This must be being done remotley from some source? What kind of machine can do such tasks? And who would own one and why? Ive seen television shows that certain people had the capability to turn off a car. This was a true fact. As well this is the second or third phone that this phenom has happened to. This phone was brand new as well. My kids and wifes phone through the data and phone tampering had acted funny and each one of our phones would go in and out of service together? We got 3 brand new jetpacks from verizon. And finally the 3rd one worked. After someone let it....  My family has been punished. And has been expiriancing the burdon of the expense. Weve as well had alot of electronics failures. And ive safe guarded them with surge strips?


As suspected the truck was checked over and run fine by the dealer.After it was roll backed and checked over. No true trouble codes and ran fine through the diagnostics. They have no reason why the truck acted this way? And could not give any reasons to why this happened. They have even been driving it to put on some miles. Anyways i will be picking this up tomorrow on November 27th.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

139 Ebay Account Hacked

Someone helped themselves to our ebay account. And purchased over $300 worth of bit coins. Yesterday November 17th.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017



This post is about:

Part I: Psychotronics – what it is and how it works.Part II: Psychotronics used for torture.Part III: Advanced technologies associated with psychotronics.

PART I: Psychotronics is a complicated subject, and not everyone agrees what it is about.  I would describe it as ‘manipulating brain activity to achieve physiological outcomes’. Picture above:  How perpetrators may see Targeted Individuals via psychotronics.  Source:

The main point about psychotronics is that it can be used remotely, and anonymously on innocent civilians for torture, mind control and sinister political purposes.  Criminal perpetrators can commit crimes against humanity without detection, as if they were invisible. They can in fact be detected, but only through use of similar technologies.

‘ Just because these criminals are using invisible directed energy weapons and not  guns, and because they redefined information warfare as propaganda, we are supposed to think it is less than war and murder of the citizens. These are invisible weapons being used far more destructively than a simple bullet to the head.’’

However psychotronics is widely used in health treatments, enabling people suffering from

paralysis to speak and move, and enhancing sight for people with partial blindness or hearing problems.  When it comes to new technologies, psychotronics is just the tip of the iceberg.  This post looks at some of the implications of psychotronics, and what is now in the public domain about a range of formerly secret technologies.  Picture opposite: Cochlear implant.


Some people interpret psychotronics as meaning ‘synthetic telepathy’, or referring exclusively to weapons purposes. Here are three different interpretations of ‘psychotronics’:

–  Psychotronics as synthetic telepathy

‘Synthetic telepathy also known as techlepathy or psychotronics – is a term used to describe the process in brain-computer interfaces by which human thought (as electromagnetic radiation) is intercepted, processed by computer and a return signal generated that is perceptible by the human brain. (ref 1,2,3,4)’

1. – Army developing ‘synthetic telepathy’
2. – US army developing synthetic telepathy
3. url= – Army Sinks Millions Into “Synthetic Telepathy” Research
4. – Tips and Tricks for Mind Control from the US Military

Source: at

–  Psychotronics as weapons development programmes

‘Development programs for microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons designed to influence the central nervous system’. Source: Marshall Thomas – Monarch II  -Victims.pdf

Psychotronics as a method of inflicting torture and mind control

There are two options for inflicting torture, gang-stalking or remote Directed Energy Weapons  – DEW.  Unless the TI lives nearby, gang-stalking isn’t an option, which is why Remote Neural Monitoring used to be a requirement – If you aim a precision electronic weapon at someone from a distance, you want to know where you hit them, and what effect that had on them.

If perpetrators wanted to carry out assassination, they would use lethal equipment.  The purpose of targeting individuals seems to be to force them into virtual slavery using electronic weapons and to brainwash them into obedience using mind control.  This would never be achieved over night, which is why an episode of psychosis followed by temporary incarceration in a mental institution were regular tools that perpetrators used in an attempt to create new mind contro

Friday, November 10, 2017

137 Another Victims Account Twitter

136 Scientists now able to see through walls

Scientists now able to ‘SEE through walls’ using Wi-Fi

SCIENTISTS have created a way to see through walls using Wi-Fi, leading to major privacy concerns.


16:16, Tue, May 23, 2017 | UPDATED: 16:26, Tue, May 23, 2017
Boffins have developed a system to create images of a room without seeing what is actually inside it.

The new technology works as Wi-Fi is not restricted to physical boundaries and has the capability to travel through objects.

While most of the Wi-Fi signals are received by the likes of our phones and computers, some signals remain in the open, which scientists have found a way to utilise.

The technology from German engineers sees two antennae put to use: one is stationary while the other is mobile.

The fixed antenna records the background of the Wi-Fi field while the other antenna is moved to different points to gain alternative reference points.

Both antennae record the intensity of the Wi-Fi signals and its ‘phase’ – the light property that comes from the wave.

Recordings are simultaneously fed into a computer which is then able to generate 3D holograms.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

135 Carl Herman

Targeted Individuals: testimony of current government covert torture & control experiments

Posted on January 24, 2016 by Carl Herman

We’ve documented US government use of harmful and deadly experiments upon the public (herehereherehereherehereherehere for just a few, and that the US tortures people in Orwellian violation of six binding areas of law). This is the story of a reader who contacted us. Another reader with similar testimony, Elizabeth Coady of Chicago, submitted the following image: “Here is an X-ray showing what I’ve deduced is telemetry wire. It’s activated several times a day, and is only one of the devices in me. They have ‘triangulated’ devices in me to cause severe internal burning, and once a three-week bout of radiation enteritis. I cannot find a doctor to remove this device.” If anyone knows of a willing doctor in that area, please contact me and I’ll send the information to Elizabeth.

133 "Totality"

Innocent civilians worldwide are being incorrectly diagnosed as mentally ill in world spanning directed energy weapon COINTELPRO operations. One objective is to marginalize the person by destroying their credibility. This is done by framing the target as mentally ill with technologies such as electromagnetic mind control or microwave hearing. Targets are alienated to the general population after being initiated to aspects of the conspiracy and are viciously attacked on a daily basis.]: A big part of the targeted individual plight involves being framed as mentally ill. Exploring this topic further I found that a former CIA engineer says that psychiatry and psychology were engineered with these technologies in mind. See the quote for yourself:

“While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful through out time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. That is labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. The military has employed this tactic since the 60’s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60’s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population.” ~Ex-CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan, From the Out of Print Book; The Matrix Deciphered

Sunday, October 29, 2017

131 "Theory From Experience"

I am set up on an incarceration type set up. Is my thoughts.My perps would like me to do time. But this is the only way they can transparently get this done.  Now if you've watched your news? They've cracked down on the contracting of people to effectively administer sech a project. Here's my thoughts. This is from going through this for so long. I am hooked up to a remote neutral monitor system. And through your gene pool. You have a make up unlike anyone else's. Like a finger print for instance. There no 2 exactly the same. This is the benefit. My body is tagged and barcoded for placement of body sensors. Each part of my body is marked and the remote neutral can communicate with each barcode. Just like at the grocery store. The barcode scanner reads the product. And by computer it recognises the data that has been input for that certain product. The word remote meaning. People sitting in front of computer screens with ability to administer pain and discomfort. To any barcoded area of the body. How this barcode adheres to the skin is another question? Maybe burnt into thre skin ever so slightly? This is where the every so accurate blow to the body administered. Even at 65 m.p.h going down the highway. Can be accomplished. I've been beat for 2 years this way. Ask yourself? Who has the facility to these tools? And how careful the login credentials must be handled? Now coming from a person that has no experience in this field? This is a rough guess. As i write this, i am getting fondled in the anal cavity.  And am being tortured in the knees by a slow burn style method. Meaning that at a low setting. My perps are shooting me in the knees. I am being hurt to impede my ability to do anything actively. Or to thwart any thoughts of doing anything. " Like leaving my house" for instance.  As i lye here in bed with swollen knees. My BTS tracker app. On my android phone. Shows a blue dot where my phone should be within 3 cubic feet. My blue dot is floating around over my house. And in the yard area. Very near my windows. I can cover with my hands. My knees, Blocking the direction the blue dot resides in. And can gain some relief. My perp is still connect to my phone.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Another day of knee beatings oct 25th

129 NewYork Times

16 Americans Sickened After Attack on Embassy Staff in Havana

The American Embassy in Havana. Experts suspect there was a sonic attack on United States diplomats in their homes, which are provided by the Cuban government.ALEXANDRE MENEGHINI/REUTERS

August 24, 2017

WASHINGTON — At least 16 Americans working at the U.S. Embassy in Havana became ill last year in a mysterious health attack, the State Department disclosed on Thursday.

The attack, which may have been caused by a sonic wave machine, seemed to begin last December. But American officials did not notice a pattern to the symptoms reported by employees until two months later.

“It took some time for people to be able to determine that, yes, there is a pattern taking place here. Yes, there is something going on,” said Heather Nauert, the State Department’s spokeswoman.

Once a pattern was seen, she said, the government responded fully.

“We take this situation extremely seriously,” Ms. Nauert said. She was careful not to blame the Cuban government.

“We’re not assigning responsibility at this point,” Ms. Nauert said on Thursday, adding that the perpetrator of the attack is unknown. “The investigation is ongoing.”

However, she said the State Department was certain that the attack was no longer taking place.

CBS News has reported that one of the American envoys suffered mild traumatic brain injury with likely damage to the central nervous system. Most of the United States government employees reported headaches, dizziness and hearing loss, and at least six were flown to the University of Miami Hospital this year for diagnosis. One of the patients had a serious blood disorder.

Experts suspect a sonic attack on employees in their homes, which are provided by the Cuban government. The mystery deepened recently when Canada said that some of its employees had also become ill.

The episode was the latest in a series of tensions between the United States and Cuba. It mystified even the most senior experts on Cuba, who questioned if Havana’s intelligence agents had pulled off an unauthorized stunt to end President Barack Obama’s reconciliation efforts, or, more likely, if new eavesdropping technology had gone awry.

In a recent statement, the Cuban Foreign Ministry said that “Cuba has never allowed, or will it allow, the Cuban territory to be used for any action against accredited diplomatic officials or their families, without exception.”

But the Cuban government has long harassed American diplomats in Havana.

During the Cold War, American envoys told stories of finding feces in their residences, of power being shut off and of Cuban agents tailgating diplomats’ vehicles and making it impossible for them to change lanes.

The recent illnesses, though, were worse than the standard harassment, officials said, even in the worst times.

Several Americans cut their tours in Cuba short after falling ill late last year, the State Department said.

The Cuban government learned of the illnesses in February. Washington expelled two of Havana’s diplomats in May because Cuba had failed to keep American diplomats safe.

(Now wake the fuck up.) (Ive gone through this for 2 years now.)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Go here.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sunday, October 15, 2017

126 Sunday,October 15 5:04 p.m

Here i sit today on this pages headings date. Its still the same situation. I am being handled by a "Geneva Convention" style grip. In design. I have not had any form of communication "verbally",whats so ever. Rather i have been left here to rot. This cannot continue here in the states. Where have all of our ethics gone? Instead of getting better things are getting worse? The program that i am undergoing. Is designed to make you do time. I do not remember having a trial,judge or jury? Ive done time for so long now. Its been 2 years. My perps are hard riden and enjoy the sence of power. And most recently there has been ongoing news reports about companies or contractors being hired to incarcerate people without fairly being treated to an American trial. This means that you are now being held hostage against your will. Without any legal documentation or freedom of amendments or constitutional rights. People are being paid good money to illegally conduct and condone stalking and illegal surveillance to incarcerate innocent people here in the U.S.A. The question that comes to mind is? Who is responsible for these actions? And where are they finding this kind of equiptment? I am in search of what pyschotronic program that i am under. I am in search of an attorney. I do need to find out specific details about the program i am under? They all have a name. And a designer. Some of the other targeted individuals on twitter will tell you the same. So we all can tell you the same true story's and never even spoke to one another. And never had any form of education in this type of equipment that is being used on us. So go figure? We all must be crazy. Right?

Friday, October 6, 2017

An Interesting Local News Article

NY fire department lieutenant charged with selling heroin

Associated Press2 weeks ago HORSEHEADS, N.Y. — Authorities have charged a member of two fire departments in New York with selling heroin.

The Star-Gazette of Elmira reports that a Chemung County grand jury indicted 43-year-old Thomas Margeson on a felony count of criminal sale of a controlled substance.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

123 Thoughts

I am at a total loss to think that today October 4th 2017? That the world and times would have evolved? But not by my choice. I have found out different? And just to think that the civil war ended how many years ago? One proven fact is. Either you have the money,facility,or connections too? And slavery is still happening. You to can be owned. Its there choice? Now matter what race color or creed. You can become a guinea pig at the drop of a hat as well. "Proven Fucking fact".

Monday, October 2, 2017

122 Insight of the screenshots of pyscotronic

Here is an insight in the bottom right hand corner of this photo below. It shows the quality of what can be seen when you are under a nano tronic install. This is what can be seen when you close your eyes. The quality is not quit up to a ps3 even at this time.

This is an old-fashioned black and white diagnostics, when the EU priority FET ICT research and develop new information technologies adapted to nano-electronics.

Ulf Gorman writes in the book, that with nanotechnology, we open the doors to an unknown area where we do not know how to apply ethics. What should it be and what should not be allowed when you can make electrode implant that can both read and influence the brain? He takes the example of studying learning and memory.

Micro Implants can provide unprecedented opportunities to understand how we learn and remember things, and hence why we forget and find it difficult to learn. And it can be understood as a form of abuse to look like that into our most private mental world.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

121 The Weekend Gang

For some reason i have the worst of my issues starting around Fridays. And then going through the weekends. Not to say i have not had issues any other times but... the weekend gang being the worst.

Friday, September 22, 2017

120 At Some Point Relocate

Today is Friday Sept. 22nd 10:50 est. I have came to a conclusion today. I believe i will be looking for refuge in another country. It looks like i cannot live here anymore.

119 09/22/2017

Its been today Sept. 22nd 2017 and yesterday Sept. 21st Ive had a warm feeling burn raw my bottomside. It comes and it goes. So its not a medical issue. I know exactly what it is. Plus ive aswell been forced to inhale the same stuff as previously described. Again at around 10:30 p.m on the 22nd the same as i try to sleep. Now awaken again at 2:13 a.m Sept. 23rd. Same.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

117 More Torment

Today Thursday September 14th 2017. I was woke up at 4:43 a.m to the feel of something on my bottomside. Thats when i noticed my right nostril was burning. And my throat was raw feeling. I could taste the sulphur and bitter taste. From then till now 6:41 a.m. I am being forced to inhale whatever it is that they are doing to me. I do not know what this is for ,but its been months this way. I can feel it in my lungs too.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

116 4:30 a.m Est

For some reason. The perps have got really really complacent about the impunity of my bottom side. Like a horse in a Stanton. When called upon its usually by the ass. By now i believe my name is asshole? Cruel, sick and unethical. For some reason as its been for the last two years. The laws do not apply for me or my home.  I am really sick and tired of the bullshit. Grow up. Get a life. Its not all about you. In my wishes ive wanted this pyschotronic unistalled from my body. When i close my eyes. I want to see darkness again. A bit later i will get into details in reguards to its onset. And what it is. Im not the only one that it was attempted on. Rather mine has been a success for them. You could only imagine? When your tired and want to close your eyes? But yet rather instead you are kept awake instead. And have to live through months of sleep deprivation to acclaim to the sight. And still on a daily basis. For months now? Ive had some form of something shot down my throat. I have read online about contracting companies using a human body to experiment on. And on the basis of testing a certain chemical or pollutant. On a human being. Yes its correct. Do a search and you will learn. Someone is having some form of testing. Like field testing on my body is my belief. Some of these companies earn millions from this sort of thing. And as for the test subject? They are not even asked before this testing begins. I know my body. And i know myself well. You suddenly do not start to inhale a sulphur taste with a slight burn of the nose and throat. Especially when it travels into mouth and to the lungs. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

115 Eyes

I looked up eye surgery on the internet, and was astonished to find that there is a type of laser eye surgery – LASIK – that involves putting flaps in a person’s eye:

‘LASIK or Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, commonly referred to simply as laser eye surgery, is a type of refractive surgery for the correction of myopiahyperopia, and astigmatism. LASIK is performed by an ophthalmologist using a laser.The laser is used to reshape the cornea in order to improve the clearness and sharpness of the image that is seen’.

Laser remodeling 

I suspect that perpetrators are implanting nano-cameras and other equipment into the eyes of TIs, and then making adjustments to the cornea, in order to correct any vision problems arising.

Picture above: LASIK surgery using the Star S4 IR™excimer at US National Naval Medical CenterBethesda.

Picture opposite: The procedure involves creating a thin flap on the eye, folding it to enable remodeling of the tissue beneath with a laser and repositioning the flap.

One possible reason for TI eye surgery 

Perpetrators could be taking photos of people that TIs meet, through the camera implanted in a TI’s eye, and then run face recognition checks to the TI’s memory database, using internal imaging screens, before checking their own databases. 

114 More Stuff


 According to Wikipedia, the human brain contains a map of the body within the Motor cortex, ‘with different body parts, represented by partially overlapping areas, lined up along a fold called the central sulcus’.  ‘The motor cortex is a term that describes regions of the cerebral cortex involved in the planning, control, and execution of voluntary movements’.

If someone electronically stimulates a tiny part of the brain that relates to the foot, something happens to the foot.  It may create an involuntary movement, or it may register a feeling like touch, or it may translate into pain.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

113 Remote Neutral Monitering

Remote Neural Monitoring – RNM – uses a set of brain-wave reading technologies to find out what is going on in an indiividual’s mind and body.  RNM can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor…Operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves…Operatives can use this surreptitiously to put images into a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in REM sleep for Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image in the brain has a corresponding “evoked potential” or set of “evoked potentials.” The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject’s 

Thursday, August 31, 2017

112 Brutalized Sexually

I would love to understand more of what's happening to my life. Its been a long rough road. Day in and day out. Its an everyday experience. My body is covered with an insulation type feeling of whatever? This is no medical condition. I am constantly being used up the bottomside. This is perverse and sick to the max. 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

111 Satellite Terrorism

I am going through the same process as Dr. John Halls. I believe wife? But by any means? I am uncertain at this point rather or not hers was associated with a visual hologram type punishment as well? This you can see with your eyes closed. But the same rape as she with the machine. The most embarassing spot of all is in the bottomside.There is other things happening here that confirms the activity as well. Rather really obvious.I guess if your seeing things as a mental health issue? It would be with your eyes open? But quite unsure of that? Anyways i am for sure this is not the case. A person and his 2 kids started going through this same instance. Right here in the same township. And about 4 miles from my home location. Although him and his family left the area and are living in another state at this time. Yes they bailed ship and it scared them. But that's what they want you to do. I've lived here for 22 years. And that's not going to happen here. Please read the blog from the start. You get an idea of where this all stems from. And how things escalated into this. Ive personally been through hell and back. Im going through another form of torture now. Ive been through. Being tortured by my eyes,ears,lip,teeth,head mostly my  temples. And generally all over my body. Then the genital area for a year straight. Give or take. And now as of today Saturday August 26th 2017 i am still being waken from my sleep this way. And like today. Its the weekend. Like Friday afternoons and the weekend is the worst of all. But there's nothing worse than to be raped in the bottom side. Now embarrassment. Yes. Sick? Theres no doubt. Ive read its a twenty year sentence the first offense. This is going on a near year straight. On a daily basis. I get my chance at my perps. I will have them encarserated for a life term. Hands down. At this point i really need some legal representation. Someone to protect my human rights. I have a grocery list of abuse. From deformation of character. To assault and battery. And crimes against humanity. And the lust goes on. Including the bills ive incurred. I feel as if i could be an experimental product. And being bullied into silence. Either way its never been a fair situation. I do not know where they get this weapon? Or where they sign it out from? I as well like today. Have had something sulphery  being put down my nose and through the mouth. It burns your through. And you can feel it in your teeth and lungs as well. It almost feels like its burning your teeth. Yes this is on a daily basis. And i live In the USA in Newyork state. Ive done nothing wrong? Never had a judge,jury or trial. Not even a fair chance at human rights,amendments or any kind of freedom. Ive even paid money on bills. Around 2 years total. Of being man handled by the machine. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Imagine a life like this? No days off. Weekends holidays. I am being jailed. Without a sentencing. I really need an attorney.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

110 Abusive People

Aug. 21st I was tortured in the crotch and anal area. For hours on end as i tried to work. Ive never seen anything like this entirely. Sick minded. And in need of psychological help. Im still in the same shape as prior stated. Although the attack to the knees is getting really old. This has been happening for way to long. There is not going to be anything left of my body.  

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

109 The suffering Continues

Ive had a full year of body beating and trauma for the first year. For my second year. Wow! Have things changed. The bts tracker app on my phone still shows the location of something other than my phone. On the GPS style map. I went from taking punishment from whatever my phone connected too? And from appliances in my house. Such as L.E.D lights. Now ive went from that to what ive found on the internet. My findings is from a website. And Wiki. I am a victim of some form of human testing im thinking? Expierimentation. Like all the resources have stated. Is that.Some large weapon testing outfits and contractors will find a human test subject. I am still in my bedroom of all places? And elsewhere. But they are depriving me now of sleep again. I got home lastnight  Aug. 16th 2017. And they tortured my body with this lighting and body sensors. From 11:30 est. To 5:30 a.m est. I had 5 hours of sleep before i had to go to work. Its the same reports that many other people have complained about. Its like an infrared light. And its being projected from the sky. Really some phenom kind of abilitys. If it was used in the correct way. Ut unfortunately for my family and myself. Weve got to keep suffering. This projector is able to project images as well. But we are dealing with some real sexual predators here. My body is like rigged with these sensors. They appear to be in the same places. 24/7. My crotch is one spot. My bottomside is another. Under my chin. On my shoulders. Under my arm pits. My feet. On top of my head and back. I get get raped daily. Just like there is no law against it. These people are getting away with this all acrossed America. "Now a land with no laws". The ability to perform pain and torture is unbelievable. I really need an attorney more now than anything. I believe i am some sort of test "Rat" for someone to try out there equiptment on. My  left tempral lobe feel like something is hitting it constantley. Or connected to it. It drains all of your energy and creates a headache. I really need an M.R.I after all the head trauma ive endured for the last 2 years. The Nano technology they are using feel just like you are wearing clothing made of insulation. The type that goes into your walls. The light projector has the ability to penetrate my bed from through the windows and saturate areas. And and make the bed feel like insulation. Im not alergic. Nothing has changed in laundry detergants. Nor has the same sheets and comforter sets. I can see this lighting. And i have it captured on my camera as well. My bedroom has been the focus point everynight now for 2 years. For some reason. I had troubles prior. With radar. Pulsating in a circular motion and pulse style. That lasted for a year straight. I can only imagine what they are doing to my kids and wife? Thats a sick torturious thought in its own? I know so much more than what ive written. When the time is right... If ever?? You will be enlightened to open your eyes to see. Theyve tried there best to drive me to the point of no return. Day in and day out. 2 solid years of 100o/o "PAIN". People have no clue to what ive gone through. Or what this has done to my family. Right now its 1:31 a.m est. They had me set up to get into my bed as i got home from work tonight. I wasnt in my bed for a minute and they already started the body torturing. As i sit downstairs right now i can feel the body sensors crawling up my anal cavity. I worked all night until 11:00 p.m est. This is not a fluke,lie,or a mental issue whats soever... I will que you into supporting factors in the near future. I will hand you the truth and give you the follow up evidence and details that support this fact. As a matter of fact if youve followed this blog and read along. You would know by now that for some of this phenom stuff thats happened at my house. I reported. And was placed under a "mental arrest". Give me the chance people. I will be sure you are fully detailed later. Right now its 4:19 a.m Tuesday morning. Imstill going through the punishment in my bed. Raped up the ass.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

108 Still Happening August 10th 2017

It never seems to fail. Day after day the same thing. Theres some real pyshotic  people that really needs some help. For some reason. The evenings are my worst. Doesnt matter if home, its in my bedroom. The projector from the sky. In through the window and the body sensors and what ever other high tech. Make up of this technology ,im unsure. But its a game of domination. They are dominating my body and home. They are filling my bed with some form of lighting. This lighting burns and stings human skin. It kind of feels like static electricity. But whatever it is the skin does not like it. Its like laying in a bed of insulation. Home weatherising roles. Like the fiberglass kind. I got home around 11:20 p.m est. It is now 1:18 a.m est. They will not let me go to sleep? The main projector beam is the one that saturates or fills the bed. Its some kind of fucking joke to engulf and saturate inbetween my legs.  Even if i work the night shift. They have there shit on me there to. Friday afternoon and weekends are just terrable as well. ( The worst) and night time. I do not know of any other human being other than T.Is that are going through this? I do not know of any other human being on this planet that enjoys having body sensors put in there bottom side. Ive had them on me for so long i do not know what its like to be a human? Rape victim? It impacts some people for the rest of there life the first penetration. Im on 2 years of pure hell. I went to sleep one day in the USA. And woke up in iraq. Never made it home since. Just as an example. But back to rape. Ive had it were the sun dont shine for so long from a high tech. Weapon. I do not know what its like to be human anymore. I mean im going to die from this. But before i do. You, the Americans are going to be much more educated about whats under your nose. You can check and see. I know way more at this point than what im disclosing at this time. This shit keeps up and im not going to have any other choice. Although i will say that about 15 minutes after i arrived home. I heard what sounded like a fire cracker off. But with an electrical snap sound with it. Outback of my house. One to the East and one to the  West side of the house. Ive heard that same noise in the past. Still getting my testicles hurt daily. Still??. 100 o/o domination of my body,home,family and sole. THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER. THIS MATTER REALLY DESERVES SOME SERIOUS ATTENTION. Not tomorrow! Not next week or next month?

Saturday, August 5, 2017


It is still happening. My bedroom seems to be the worse spot in my home. Second story southern window and ceiling. What Nano body sensors feels like. If youve ever gotten insulation for walls,on your body? Then its very much so like it. Except for with a tingling and a slight burning sensation. And that depends more on the area of the body applied. When i lye in my bed. My perps are waiting for me to get in. The technology has a point of projection. And seems to be able to saterate an area. For example. Take a hair dryer and blow it into a pillow. Youll notice that an area gets saterated and builds up to a saterated point and spreads. This technology works the same way. They are hitting the same spot until the sateration point has enough energy. Building a spot just like the hair dryer into the pillow discussed. Laying in this is like laying into home style insulation. I have no breaks from this at all. This includes working like this as well. Yesterday Aug. 6th. I was brutalised to the head, ears and eyes. This makes you have a constant headache. And the fatigue from the head trauma is unbelievable. The earache was sharp and painful. You could feel the impact point move as i moveed my head working. Another words they lost acuracy with the head movement i made.I as well was shot in the eyes. With what felt like a circular impact point. I have no breaks. And ive had implants from catarack surgery. In both eyes. It was a god sent surgery. But now. I am afraid that my eye sight is going to be damaged. And unrepairable. In the last 2 years the trauma that my eyes has taken has been unbelievable. The tissue on my left tempral lobe yesterday looked swollen and appears to be slightly red. They are starting to look like scare tissue from the head beatings to the temples. I am in definate need of another M.R.I. My last one showed leasons. The same leasons that cause tumors and brain cancer. Ive lost about 15 lbs. In weight. From a size 30 waist to a near 28. Right now it is 12:00 a.m on Aug. 8th. I have been awaken by someone shooting me up the ass as i have been sleeping. It is continuos. I now sit in the kitchen. Another night of speep deprevation by the looks as well. The CDC should really be aware of this rogue infestation upon myself,wife and children. As we have no protection against this technology. Nor can we seem to keep it out if our bedrooms. This is not all of the torture. I have had hour upon hour of something being admistered through my mouth and feels like something going down my throat. It has been an uphill struggle trying to work with this type of atmosphere. But yet the bills must be paid. The same rusty sulphery tasting appearance to whatever is being pumped down my throat. The same burn and tingle is what i can desribe as being nearest.

Monday, July 31, 2017

106 What Your Doing Is Against The Law

I have been forced to research on my own. The internet is full of people. Right now on "Twitter" If you care to search the "T.I community". Youll see America is over full of whats going on here. The worst of the victems being single women that have been beat down by the weapon in there home. To a point of being demoralised. And to the point of surrender ,because the Scum Bags got them where they want them. They are raped at will. To satisfy a group of sick minded people. And like a cow in a barn stantion. For milking. They are raped, as turns are being taken on them daily. The system unfortunatley turns a cheek to what the truth really is? And just like my "True To Life Events" others are getting thiers. We share a few things in common. For some reason we get thrown into a Mental hospital for the truth. And then the upper hand on our soles are in the hands of the perps. As they slow kill and rape your body. Because they can. And get away with it? I would enjoy nothing more than to share this unfortunate story to the rest of the American people. And to educate them about the dangers around there blind sides. For the sake of the future. Sake of protection. And the sakes of there families. We might better be on our knees with our hands tied behind backs with a bag over our heads. See the picture? Whats the difference? I see none. Check out the story of Doctor John Halls wife. Look for Sanantonio,Texas. She was raped the same way. "Twitter is full of people crying for help. They are claiming they are being killed. And that they are begging people to help. Its full of this twisted minded new wave of the means of the next civil war. Yes its true. Right under your noses.

105 Tonight My Tormentors

Tonight my tormentors are being abusive to my testicles. I keep getting a shot to the left knee. My knees seem swollen and sore.Ive found that they are meaning left or leave? Need!!! I have been getting my testicles molested with pain since around 9:00 p.m est. This is definately Nanotechnology based. And i still have a tracer of some sorts attached to my cell phone. Since early 2016 i noticed it. I still have the BTS tracker app. Installed on my cell phone. It is a google style map showing in real time the location of my cell phone. My phone can be lying on my countertop in the kitchen and the blue dot on the google style map is 100 yards away from the interior of the home. As it shows on the google style map. Moving around the yard of the aerial view. As i can see it. Clearly they still have my phone molested. Early 2016 and all the way through 2016 i was shot upon my body from the direction the blue dot on the google style map resided. Id turn on my app. And sure enough. The direction i had been shot from resided from the same direction the blue dots position was in reguards to the gps style location. As the map shows. My testicles have been shot upon by satellite technology for over a year straight. And some days brutaley for 8-9 hours straight. And could not escape the weapon submitting the direct energy blow. No matter where i tried to escape it in my home. It started out with that style weapon and progressed into this Nano body sensor. But the origanal weapon still resides here around my residence as well. You could only imagine this horrific life style. From one thing to another. My beaters are not willing to cut me a break. It looks like i am human hamberger, for life in America. Today is July 31st 2017. I am being slowly torn apart organ by organ. I have surly lost life from this inhuman punishment.  The body sensors will create another disease. The leashons in my brain must be tremendous by now. I as well tonight have been inbalmed through the mouth and nose with the same rusty,sulphery and lung burning sensation. Suffocation. I am being brutalised to assist in the uninstall of the pyschotronic that has been installed on me. Someone is looking to get out of the scene. So a beating they will go. At any cost. My bedroom is it. From the southern second story bedroom window. Right now here in my home i am taking it up the ass. I took it up the ass for 4 hours lastnight here on the ground. They are waiting until i go to bed. And invading me and my wifes privacy. And to brutalise me. About the fucking uninstall process. And you try to close your eyes to sleep. Its prime time. To keep me awake up the ass. 1:30 a.m. est. I have been awaken to some sodomy. This has continued and is now 2:00 a.m. I have retreated from my bedroom. To downstairs. Again tonight. This is an everynight occurance. As soon as i get back to bed. The same will still happen. Sick people. The earth needs to be rid of these SCUM BAGS!!! Laws where made for a reason? But here at our house is the exception. Anything goes. For some reason the lines drawn here. Weve paid our taxes on time to have some other mother fucker own your house. For 2 years now. Anyone want to purchase this place? Its been Forsale for quite sometime now. Weve been forced to reduce the price. Because of our notorious situation thats happened here for so long. Someone needs to see me move around in my home at around this this time. They make it unbarable to be in my American bedroom. Someone full of guilt? Usually around midnight. And 2:00a.m est. Is a hot bed of activity. As well as 9:00 to 10:00 p.m est.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

104 Get The Fuck Out Of My Home

Today is Monday July 31st. I have been sodomised again in my own bedroom. The same southern window of my bedroom. Someone is using sattelite tech. Here and for an hour and a half. They have used an aerial weapon on my body again tonight. I layed in and out of bed. Trying to get away from it. No go. They still insist on bitching my American ass in my own Newyork state home. Pure perverted sick in the head basterds. I HAVE NO ISSUES CONTACTING THE WHITE HOUSE TO FIND A ANSWER TO THIS PROBLEM!!!

103 More Of The T.I Program Im Under

In the United States, in short, we are seeing the emergence of a police and surveillance state.  Former President Jimmy Carter recently wrote in the New York Times, “The United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights.” In his article, Carter points out that top US officials are now openly targeting US citizens for political assassination, “disappearance,” unlimited surveillance, and other forms of gross human rights abuse.  Are people prepared to call a former U.S. President a conspiracy theorist?  Or has the U.S. strayed far from its roots as a democracy where rule of law and human rights are uniformly respected?
What is the Targeted Individual program that these people are complaining of?  It is many things all at once.  It is a discrediting and disruption campaign, similar to COINTELPRO.  In some cases (not all) it is a torture/trauma-based brainwashing and mind-control program like MK-Ultra.  It is a secret form of repression, persecution and psychological warfare, carried out in the community largely by regular people, along the lines of Stasi or Zersetzen torture.  It is a political abuse of psychiatry, as has been carried out in many countries as a way to torture and discredit dissidents.  Finally, it is unethical non-consensual human experimentation on unwitting subjects with advanced directed energy and psychotronic weapons systems.  Overall, it represents a coming together of the most vicious and effective tools and weapons for covert harassment and political control of dissidents, activists, whistleblowers, agitators, and other so-called “undesirables” that the world has ever seen.

102 As I Sit Here Posting One Hundred One

As i sit here posting 101 on my blog. I am being enbalmded in my mouth and nose with a rusty sulphery burning sensation through my mouth and nose. You can feel it go through your mouth,nose,throat and into your lungs. The body sensors they have, attached to my body including my genital and rectal area. Portions of my head,neck,shoulders,abdominal area,armpits,feet,and behind my leg joints. At this point in time i do not yet have the diseases described in 101 blog post. As for now. That i know of yet? This game has been going on for about 8 months now. I am for sure a victem theres no doubt. This is very unfortunate. Theyve tried in everyway possable to push me over the edge. This explains drones with projectors attached to them and sattelite technology in my American home.

101 What It Is.....


Read the full article here.

Foreign and Domestic contractors developing, testing and evaluating technologies such as nanotechnologies; Nano-sensors (now on weaponized drones) that are only designed to attach to 'living beings; resulting in 6.8 million citizens now reporting a chronic ‘catch all disease’ called fibromyalgia, amongst many others must be addressed.

The Pope’s Message to Congress and Its Relation to such Chronic Disease as Fibromyalgia and Sciatica (now with 6.8 MILLION citizens targeted)

On Thursday September 24th, 2015 Pope Francis spoke in Congress for the first time. Within his speech he spoke of the climate change, and injustices against citizens of this country, and around the world. It was very surprising to hear the Pope address such critical issues directly to Congress, into the faces of many of those who have authorized these abuses against their own citizens (for greed, as stated by the Pope) for decades against and against ‘individuals’ and our ‘society’ as a whole. Individually would be explained as those who are knowledgeable of their abuses by government funded technologies and the damage, pain and permanent scaring that they endure 24/7, the ‘society’ as they are defined in the DOD Directive 5240.1-r Procedure 13 Human Experimentation on ALL U.S. Persons for Intelligence Purposes, the ‘unwitting’ (unknowledgeable) and 'witting' (those made aware of their Torment) of the reasoning of their disabling chronic pains as described below now being reported in 1 of 50 citizens of this country; nor the knowledge of our ‘first responders’, community groups, and other ‘so-called’ surveillance groups that endure spraying on their bodies by chemical sprays also known as ‘chem-trails’ nearly on a daily basis. NO ONE IS EXEMPT. 

now the CDC and other medical agencies are reporting that 1 in 50 Americans are now reporting the chronic pains of the results of this testing?  With 98 percent being women victims. 

100 At Around 4:00 A.M EST.

Today is Sunday July 30th. My daily ritual of having some sort of weapon shot up my ass was happening. It woke me up out of bed again. When this happens is daily. Someone is still using some satttelite or drone technology in my bedroom. Its like they have a set point location marker dialed i to that location of my home really well. Usually i take a tormenting each time i go to bed. Sleep deprevation. And ive been raped sodomised so many times. Its unreal.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

99 One American On Foot Against Aerial High Tech.

I am one unarmed American father. Against some really high test aerial equiptment. "Rather a sitting duck". I am being shot in the knees. The left temple continuosly. Being force fed some type of rusty, sulphery tasting something. You can as well feel it  in your lungs and throat. Still being shot up the rectum. My perps have constant need. I am as well being shot in the right arms rotator cup on a daily basis. My bedroom where my wife and i sleep is as well being invaded. I have been waking up and have been being woke up by a slow burn method to my back. Ive been shot in the back by a weapon of sorts. I can at points get some relief. And right back to the pain. Why would anyone want to do this? This is not an underlying medical issue either. You can feel the weapon move around in your body. It point of impact.

Monday, July 24, 2017

98 Evidence Of Reality           

COPY AND PASTE THE ABOVE LINK. Here you will find evidence of the law suits filed and won over what ive been going through. As real as it gets people. My torture is still not complete. As of today Monday,July 24th 2017. I get sodomy daily. By the way of weapon. My home and life has been this way for 2 years. And it started in the the first part of 2016. My most recent has been the installment of a physcotronic. I am unsure of what project i am under. But you can see it with your eyes closed. I have a reletive and his 2 children that they started to install on. They moved out of town. It scared them.




1.   Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman hereby brings this action for the submissions of public comments pertaining to a current investigation requested by President Obama regarding Electronic Warfare and torture on civilians. Plaintiff is unable to verify or submit full evidence and proof including Science, climate, and nefarious abuse with torture, corruption, and mind manipulation during DELAYS, exceeding recent Senate and Chief Joint Staff targets, and NSA revelations worse then that of the CHURCH COMMISSION REPORTS.  Related suits have been filed for injunction relief and other allegations with attempts to save lives and was also provided for reference since last year. There are 4,500 victims so far coming forward out of Millions, of wit on their mind control, thus body and systematic psyops tactics. The remaining are unwitting ALL Americans and not limited to techniques, ills, or sabotage, subsequently.


2.   This case is about the electronic harassment, torture behind the spying surveillance, civil rights violations, privacy, communications technology, and crimes of humanity, in use by the U.S. Intelligence Community, which has been refused in completion by the defendants. This information is critical to investigations, and cooperation has been impeded in numerous ways. Plaintiff has made exhausting efforts to provide assistance and save lives.  New evidence with VALOR is being impeded and is time sensitive. This includes ADDITIONAL hand written notations on Doctor’s work previously published to assist fact findings of Plaintiff and discoveries since then which cannot be overlooked. Plaintiff has been impeded for 5 years in numerous ways consciously and 3 unconsciously, by the public and the uses of Synthetic Telepathy Remote Viewing Psychotronics Weapon of Mass Destruction. (Exhibits A-1-23 and 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

97 Uninstall This Program

I had not given any consent to be installed. I do understand that i some cases. I have read that this will happen under certain circumstances. It has been a year. It hurts my tempral lobes and builds pressure. Whoever is responsable. Consider letting me go.

MIREILLE TORJMAN                                                                      CASE NO.:     TBD

1143 Wrightswynde Ct                                                                                                          

Wesley Chapel, FL 33543






Amy Gutmann, Chair Bioethics Committee

Office of President Univ of Penn

1 College Hall Room 100

Phila, PA 19104



Carol Corillon, Committee on Human Rights

500 Fifth Street Suite K529

Washington, DC 20418



President Harvey Fineberg, Institute of Medicine

500 Fifth Street 8th Floor

Washington, DC 20418



Diane E. Griffin Chair, National Academy of Science         

Committee Science Technology Intelligence Professionals

500 Fifth Street DEPS 11-02 AFSB Room 905

Washington, DC 20418



Cass Sunstein Room 10201

Office of Management and Budget

Remote Naval Station, Bldg 40 Door 123

250 Murray Lane SW

Washington, DC 20509


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

96 Phycotronics installers Being Brutal Now

Whoever this is? I do know who he is. They have a team of drones above my NewYork State home. They are over it now and have been everynight. Lastnight after work july 20th. I came home to lye in my bed. The second floor southern window. Is where i am getting shot up the ass. They are shooting me in the left knee cap alot aswell. This is meaning that they need to left or leave. And what they are getting at is. They need me in order to uninstall the physcoelectronic they illegally have installed in me. So what they are doing is shooting me up the ass. I was shot up the ass for 6 hours straight from midnight july 20th for 6 hours straight. Until 6:00 a.m the that morning. It all started from work until i got home. What ever projection of light from the drones they are using? Will penetrate through my homes wooden structure. And as well can be used as a weapon. My phone still has some sort of tracer attached to it. According to my gps based google map style location of my phone finder. Right now they are desperate to get the riddle solved to relieve them from my install. You know it goes like a puzzle. And like some sort of really intense combination of things to do to so many faces. Its like pulling teeth! To get this done. To result in a barcode broken. And from my thoughts is it will eventually relieve the installer of being found. So if i was a little worried? Someone would brutalise someone out of paranoia. This is what happening at my home right now. The barcode deal is not working for a real time punishment via what ever type of drone they are using? Clearly they are up to no good in our neighborhood. Today is the 21st. The same situation. Out of work at 11:00 p.m. seen drones on the way home and from my yard. As soon as i enter my house they fly directley over it. They have my bedroom mapped out. One light feed directly over my bed. One light feed through my southern window. One through my west window. Each feed from the drone or wil have its own unique color. Each drone will project usually a 2 to 3 color combination. Like red black,black and blue,green and black and white and black. My brutal attacker. Is caucasion male with space between upper front of teeth. With a large dimple in the chin. And head shaved bald.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

95 The Game Being Played

If youve followed and copied and pasted the links i provided you with? You will see how much of a reality this really is. I would like to ensure that you as Americans understand. The fate that has been created for you and your families. And the reality of the next generation of a lawless land. Open your eyes! I would like to tell you in further detail as to my newest form of harassment. It will come in very precise detail. And you can trust everything that im saying. As a no bull kind of guy. The only insane people are the administrators and creators of this sick game. I seem to be on a schedule of sorts? And my same tormenting is happening by the clock. I have had no relief of whats been going on. It seems like slow murder to me. As my body is attacked in my internal organs. And constant abuse to the left tempralobe of my head. I as well have had something shot into my mouth and throat. As i inhale it tastes sulfer like and kind of rusty. It makes you cough. I had an MRI that showed leashons to my brain from head abuse. I was lucky enough to have another to verse it from. Now my head has been beat on for another year and a half. At this rate. My life span has been shortened. For the onset of tumors and brain cancer. And just to think? Theres real human beings behind the mask. Of this tragic reality. You will find in time.  And this is my prediction. That if these things do not stop. It will start a war. Someone needs to get ahold of this technology and put a cap on its ability to invade your homes. And to hold you in a secret chamber of a beating. Demoralise does not even hold a candle to what we have under our noses. You will find out in the near future. And i am taking the punishment for you. You can only listen. And it means so much to your family, yourself and future. Wake up America. Wake up. I am being forced into uncharted territories,as far as finding out. If this is project called mk ultra 2,mk ultra,jade or pheonix. My body after research is full of body tags. Barcodes. Like when you are getting groceries. And when they scan the slab of meat and food that you had purchased at checkout. They have been strategically placed in very uncomfortable spot. How? Thats a good question? Why? Thats another one to find out? Itch,burn and sting kind of feelings. And must be they have some sort of computer that will hit whatever barcode they would like to administer the pain and discomfort too. In its location on the body. Thats how it works. So must be im in jail or prison without a trial. A judge or a jury? Illegal detention in a consentration style hitler camp. Someone dont like me. But they do not have enough dirt to put me in jail? How nice?!! And they are in control of this kind of tech. Thats even worse for you and your families. Section 8 ring a bell? Id like to take a moment to let my friends and family know. That i havnt been around for a long time. I do not want to drag this misfortune into your homes.

Friday, July 7, 2017

94 Barcodes And Body Tags

This is happening in lower Newyork state as well.(Copy Paste)

The first paragraph from this individual explains some of the tech being used on my body and the bathroom,bedroom and everywhere in my home. Including the kids rooms. (Copy Paste)

This is what i am going through. Copy and paste. The above links. I am not the only one here in the USA going through this. And for no reason. (Copy Paste)

Search. 2017 faces in the clouds and Gang Stalking

On twitter look for the.
T.I community

As real as it gets. We go to bed at around 9:00 p.m est. With the correct gear. You can see this in the sky above our home with the correct infrared or U.V gear. As well i get tormented at this time until i fall asleep.

My tormentor enjoys shooting my knees as i walk. In the house and out. They enjoy waiting for me to climb steps or in a pressure point situation. Other than that im in great shape. Its them for sure. The same goes for my arm rotator cup. They do the same. Its all about pain and keeping me in full distraction at all times. They as well like to discourage me in the car. As i turn corners and approaching hill tops where you can not see oncoming traffic. Almost like they are trying to get me to wreck the car. Times of notation of torment. 12:00 a.m and 2:00 a.m. I usually get awaken from sleep by getting shot up the anal cavity from my southern bedroom window as i lay asleep in my bed.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

93 Sodomy Using Some Form Of Weapon

Each night as i  lye in my bed. I can feel something. Crawl and its not natural? In my anal cavity. As i do hate to admit this.This is no medical issue whats so ever. This is the same weapon that has been used on me for months. Since the spring of 2016. Except now my tormentor has stepped up his or their equiptment. What ive gone through with my body beating and torture. And the relentless attack everyday including weekends and holidays. Is not only physical. They are employing mental torture as well. Waterboarding style. I dont owe this world a living. Nor have i ever signed up for any type of expierimentation whatsoever. Adolf hitler is still here. Except in a transparent form. When will America wake up to face this fact? I am unsure of the program i have been put under? But by no means,should anyone be forced to live this way. THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW. Whoever is doing this? If can find out for sure. I am surely to have you in court for a life sentence. There is no doubt that you qualify for having the book thrown at you. You are sick in the head and all of your helpers. This planet has no use for scum like yourself. And theres places that can get you the help you need. Pure scum bags.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

92 The Silent Beatings

Go to or even yet try twitter. Key word search "Gang Stalking". You will see that a guy like myself. And hundreds to thousands of other innocent American people like myself. We are going through this harassment. Raped daily. Beat in the temples daily. Anal and the penis and testicles. Its still happening here at my house. Is the system ever going to get the drift? They choose and pick on single women as a target. Demoralise them. Beat them down in there homes. And have there way with weaponry and surveilance gear to watch upon there prey. As they rape their body. Anyone getting the picture?

Monday, May 22, 2017

91 Pyschotronics And Gang Stalking

Dear Americans:
You figured that things like this could never happen to you? Or you debated the integrity of such a topic. FYI. For you and your family. Phsychotrnics are very real. Here is a link to what i am currently going through. Ive had family members that have had simuliar expieriances as well.

This is what you get when you piss off people that thinks there better than everyone else. This is no joke. This is a very serious matter. And my situation needs imiediate attention. My family is in harms way and in an eminent way. Everyone is avoiding me at all costs. No contact whats so ever. Climbed the tallest mountains. Copy and paste this reality into your browser. This is no fun. Pure torture. And whats worse is noone gives a shit! You will find no comfort in this reality. The symtoms are severe. And to think that you are slowley being murdered. Tumors,cancer and other health issues. I have leashons to my brain from the head shots. The head trauma makes you severely tired,severe headaches. And followed by fatigue. And electromagnetic frequency? Just being around it all the time it makes you so tired. The stress is enough to make you fatiged alone. My body must be overwelmed by radiation. My home has been occupied by the whole world it seems like? And we pay for it. AND TO THINK??? MY FAMILY HAD A GUN THREAT FROM A METH LAB GANG. INCLUDING DRIVE BY GUNFIRE INTO THE WOODS NEAR OUR HOME???? AND WE END UP LIKE THIS. I was put under a mental arrest. For reporting my side effects from the preliminary onset of my existing issue. Any questions???

Friday, May 19, 2017

90 The Purps Ruin Families For Joy

The positioning i recieved as the county i live in. They threw me into a mental hospital for 3 days. On a bogus excuse. I was placed nicely under a mental arrest. Now what this does is. It puts a tarnish on your records. And since you have this on your records. You cannot obtain or purchase a firearm for hunting or self protection. Afterall we had a gun threat and drive by shooters against my wife,my kids and me. At our home. I did the right thing and called 911. For some things i seen happen? They placed me under this arrest. And the mental hospital studdard at the reasons why i was there? They could not give me a straight answer to justify the stay? So they racked up a bill for three days of near $10000 and they released me after a 3 day stay. Well this putting a mark on my records was intentional. It was to set me up for what im going through now. Ive had so much serveilance gear gone through my home they know if ive got a broken eraser head on my pencils in my drawers. Knowing of all my possesions? They instilled the beating daily. What are you going to do to protect yourself? Other than to gather photo and video evidence. And ive have a ton of it. For you and if this happens to you? You will have a resource to look onto. By the way im getting shot in the testicles right now. Its a hard thing to go through. Especially the head trauma. This is how "Gang Stalking" works. And being a "Targeted Individual". I seen some things that i shouldnt have. Thats the only thing i can conclude. Theyve shurley took alot of life out of my body. Direct energy hits to the temples. Well over a years worth. And down right blundgent. As i read it causes tumors and brain cancer. The same for my privates and rectal area. This form of abuse has taken a toll on my home and family. Theyve ruined our family life. Our relationship in our marriage on the blink. This is exactley what they want. They want to ruin your job. And your family. And slowley murder you inch by inch.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

89 Who Am I?

I am a person that is living proof. That illegal activities like this are very true. This is not a fiction story by no means. "A JOKE?" I think not!! This can be you,your spouse,and even your kids. One thing i will say is im more of a man than these scum bags will ever be. The wrong place at the right time. Gets you here. No judge.No jury. No amendments. No freedom. Total communist. In a free country. Misuse of power. No ifs ands or buts..  about it.

88 Sun May 14th Shots To The Heart

Today i was woke up. I still lye in bed. And my perp started shooting me in the chest. The weapon being used is transparent. But it had the ability to make my heart race. I could feel the beam moving through my chest area. Thats correct. It was moving around until it hit the heart. The perp continued his actions and near missing his target as i was getting clothes out of my dresser. As i was going for the doorway. I didnt think i was going to make it and reached for the bed. I felt like i was going to fall as my eyes started to darken ,as you would passing out. Theyve had there hayday on my head continuosly. The temples mostly to keep me exausted with a headache. Thats the way they want me to feel. Its all about being a "Targeted Individual". It seems funny that its mothers day?And that it happens to be a Sunday? It hasnt been quite as bad as my Sunday mornings used to be. But its a reminder that im still in a consentration style camp in my own home. Inside and out. I posted this around 2:00 p.m est. Since then ive been severly hit to the tempral lobes. My left one mostly. I am willing to take the punishment. Just to be sure that the rest of you American people and your families in the future are protected from this abuse. I will go to any extent to be sure this perp or perps does not get away with this. Another person going through this sickens me.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

87 Who Would Do This?

Ive learned alot. And an absolute truth about this matter is that this can happen to you. If you think that the NSA privacy things your seeing in the news is a broken law? You should see my home. Who ever is doing this to me? Is commiting crimes against humanity. Right here in America. I read a tweet on twitter the other day. A women was crying out for help. She is a T.I ( Targeted Individual) just like myself. She was crying out HELP!!! THERE KILLING ME!!! And i believe it totally. The body abuse and mental abuse is unbelievable. Look on youtube America. Wake up!!! Search Targeted Individual. Prepare yourself. And means to protect your family. Theyve owned my life and home for over a year. Since around the spring of 2016. Your life is highjacked.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

86 Evidence Of Other Family Members

This is not by far a sick story. This is very real as thousands of others are going through this same torture. Even my daughter complained that today she had strange chest pains through out the day. Ive been shot in the temples a good part of the day. My cousin has had the same symptoms as mine and even his kids. Someone is so handy about breaking into cell phones that theyve darkened all of my videos. So you can bairley see them. So i downloaded a new hd camera from the app store. Worked great. Got super evidence. I had succesfully uploaded to my account. Even got a email confirmation of it being downloaded. The next day i checked my new app and all of my videos were darkened out again. And checked youtube to see that my video was gone.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

85 Sunday April 30th

I have awaken this mornig to getting shot in the face in a brutal way. As i sit drinking coffee. The shooting seems to be from above my head. Theres no doubt about it. Remote Neutral Weapons are being used on me here. My perps are looking to drive me over the edge by the way of punishment to the body. They have given me a headache followed by severe ear ringing. And tiredness. A constant hit to the head will provide these results. Or multiple hits to the head. By the way i got up at noon. Here it is 6:26 est. And its been a day of nothing but shots to the head. Left tempral lobes. Left eye. And face in general. The tired,headache,fatigue is nothing unusual for these sickies abuse. Ears ring. Yep had good sleep but after about a half hour of this. Its like youve never slept. We left the house and still the same shooting to the head in and out of stores. So in general Americans. This can be you too. At the drop of a hat. Your freedom and laws can be striped from your life by the higher ups. Amendments? As long as they allow. Freedom? You had none to begin with. Rights? NONE!!!!! Welcome to your new future.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

84 To My Friends American People

Some peolpe know me. Others do not. But for what it is worth. Im still missing from the scene guys. Ive been gone and handled by my perps. I do apologise about being whats seems like a stuck up person. Im totally the oposite and you all know better. But rather i wouldnt wish this torture upon anyone else. They would follow me to your home. And if you were in the hospital? Im sorry for not being there for you... But these people are sick enough to help you into the ground. So if it seems like i dont care? I do so much more than you can even realise. Im being followed molested and sodomised still. A regular piece of hamburger on the grocery store shelf. My perps are helping themselves to my body, Health and general well being. Go to twitter and look up other T.I  (Targeted Individuals)people. I have been black listed. And they are using the best gear to tear me down. They are looking to mentally break me down. Demoralisation as a tactic. Sexual Torture as another. And they are calling for 24/7 total distraction of my mind body and sole. They cant keep the machine of me. I am as well sleep deprived. Clearly this is a serious ongoing, towards 2 years now. A major problem. Whats being used on my body is totally fillling my body full of radiation. This radiation will slowley kill my body. And seem to be a natural cause overall. But ive had MRIs and its shown differance. From the tempral lobes being hit. And as well the beating to the head with the transparent weapon. Theres hundreds to thousands of us. And others are crying out online. They are going through this same network. That they are slowley being murdered like myself.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

83 Youve Got To See This Video

Please check out some of my most recent video evidence in my bedroom. Sleep deprevation. Its all part of the game they play. Look for 2016 go usa made on please take notice to my ceiling. And watch sharply for faces. This seems to be coming from some sorts of beam being projected from the sky. It must be in the xray form of beam. Or of another sort. Its able to penetrate through my roof. I am followed everywhere i go. It does not matter. Ive had road stalking as well. Things have gotten much worse. Ive been working over nights. And my perps are reluctant to let me sleep.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

81 Its been Since Around Sept. 2015

Yes its been this long. Since around Sept. of 2015. And gradually things has gotten worse to the date. Today is Sunday March 19th 2017. I never wanted to, have to conduct the research ive done on the internet? Namely stating. Who would of thought it could happen to me? But what ive learned has made me much wiser, about whats going on around me. Ive learned that theres no sacred place. Even in your own home. And what your seeing on the news today. It is the truth. About the privacy abuse. You have no privacy at all. And things are getting worse. The people that hold the power. And have become complacent with its use. Are abusing human rights. And are not following the laws that America has in place. These laws were meant for a reason. It doesnt matter if your rich or poor. Are you aware that tax payers money funds people to harass others? Like me? Yes this is very true. They are brown nosers. Human expierimentation is part of it. And once your put on a black list?? They pick on you to get you to cross the line. Its all about positioning. And ultimately. Getting some dirt on you to get a wrap sheet going? And put you in jail. Its like? Have you ever heard of bullying? Id have to say that instead of pushing me over the line? Im more of a man ,than they will ever be. Its aproven fact. Some real high test equiptment being used on me. Everyday. Days,weekends and holidays. For this long? Guess what bubba? Im still here. And always will be. When you decided to invade my home. Like a bunch of terrorists. Ive handled everything youve dished out. You will never forget me. Thats for sure. And theres no doubt about it. Thank you for opening my eyes.

Friday, March 10, 2017

80 After Writing The White House

I have been getting attacked today to my heart and under arm pits and through the back today. It started at about 2:15 est.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

79 The Same Ol Situation ( Like The Song)

Here it is february 16th 2017. I have new video evidence on my youtube channel. ( 2016 go u.s.a made). If you get a chance check it out. It never seems to amaze me. The integrity of some people? But its been since like around oct. 2015 when this all initially started. Somehow i do the correct thing to do, By calling the c*ps here in southern newy*rk. After a gun threat from the still going strong meth lab nextdoor. To my family members and myself back in around oct. 2015. And i end up with a " Mentally Defective" label on my health records. Yep thats right. I believe its all about the positioning. I was hanging blinds when the c*ps rolled in here. After doing nothing wrong? But working in my home all day. Ste*ben county n,*. And the director of human s*rvices orders me up on a mental arrest. Someone was using flir related or fire xray on my bedroom when we slept at night. Since i have had my natural eye lenses removed from catarack surgery. It hurt my eyes terrable lying in bed. Raw throat, dizzy and pal white the next day. It hurt my eyes covering them up with my hands. In a near featle position. Xray goes through your body.I tried to get ahold of the invest* gat*rs to turn that thing down. After we offered our land for use. After people were shooting guns going down the road and lining up our property boarder from the meth lab nextdoor with guns. No one would talk to me. So i used the dr*g tip line on the internet. And for telling the truth and being hurt by whatever someone was using. I wrote this in the dr*g tip form about things happening. So since at first i thought i was seeing and feeling thermal ,not knowing the difference. I end up after a three day stay at a mental hospital. With piss poor excuses of why im there telling the truth? To begin with? By doing the right thing?At least i thought?And some basterds are still pulling the same act here. A year and six months later. My phone is still tapped. This is the second one. Bought this one new, even? Downloaded the BTS tracker from sugercube. Android app. Store. Its supposed to show you on a google style map where your phone is in real time. Leaving blue trail whereever your phone goes.My phone can sit on the counter and the blue dot representing the phone location on the google map is moving around all over outside and all..Whatelse is funny is. Whenever an airplane gets anywhere near hearing distance? My phone goes from 2 bars of 4g service to like 2 bars of 2x services and my phone freezes up.  Reported the tracker issue twice. They never mentioned to bring this possable. Terrorist hacked phone in? Can as well hold it near an am radio. And it makes the radio hum. Dont know what that really means but.. I have both phones to be checked.After this expieriance. If you have a lab nextdoor to your home. Just move!!! To beat all ,my relative lives in the same town and hes having some issues as well. By the way? Have you ever heard the song. Thats sung about when you close your eyes it looks like a TV screen? A little bit fuzzy it says, like the old tube style set.. Sometimes you just cant see i guess? Anyways the same old song and dance. But cutting ground as far as me not being the only one... At least im not alone anymore. And its nice to talk to someone that has evidence of certain phenom things happening around his home and children... Anyways still going through some real anal like problems each night just before dark and when i get into my bed... like Geneva Convention type stuff.Its really quite the scene as well. To my supprise i have found another guy that has photos of the same phenom things on the east coast. Same colors and all. Going to try to sleep again. Its 12:19 a.m sleep deprive is no good. And listening to a generator for months isnt much help either. Good night.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

78 Danny Lee Kyllo v. United States

Friday, February 3, 2017

77 Family member Harassed Too

I am supprised. I have found that some of the same issues that i have here at our home. It is happening at a family members house too. I am finally not alone. He has witnessed and is exibiting some of the same electronic phone issues. As well as the same body related issues. We live only about 4 miles apart. This is a hard to believe artifact.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

76 Today Saturday January 28th

I woke up this mirning to the,what seems to be the normal from this type of harassment. And someone had quite the goid time with themselves.The shooting into the temples. If im not mistaken? I thought waterboarding type torture was against the law? Ive done some research on Gang Stalking online. This seems to be quite an issue here in the USA. Some states here are worse than others. Theres a couple that seems to have some real issues. But anyways. This must stop. It is very real and highly uncalled for. For one moment do not think this cant happen to you. This is a private society that has conformed this sickness. Although theres got to be a common factor. We all must share something in common. The unlucky ones. Such as myself. Again.. Very real . Very true. But why? Take a look around you. Do some research. The internet is full of us. If you are going through this? We need to all get on the same page. And hire up a group of attorneys. Theres power in numbers. And try to say that we are all liers. I dare ya.

Monday, January 16, 2017

75 Heres Whats Happening To Me

Read this. This is whats going on. For real. Anyone that wants to see what it looks like here. A hint to a certian address can be found in this true story. Come here. And see if your qualified with the correct gear. Or would like to stop this on innocent humans and animals. Bring U.V detecting equiptment. This womens story. Is exact to my home locations happenings. The real hard to believe factor. Is that we sold this house once last summer. The buyer backed out. We had moved into the new house. This activity followed to the new location. We then had to come back to this house after the closing fell through. When we came back home. Just like this ladies story at the Washington post. The story she posted about her happenings. We was moving back to this house and our bird feeders were destroyed.

Friday, January 13, 2017

74 Is There Anyone Out There?

These are outstanding issues here. This is a serious matter that needs attention. I dont kniw about anyone else. But? You would not believe how this is going down. And to imagine? In America?

Thursday, January 5, 2017

73 Still the same stalking

Today jan. 6th 2017. Stalked to my mothers home and took punishment to the head. I can see my tormentors weaponary. They are using in the ultraviolet light spectrum of colors. Wow has technology gone a long ways. And molecular xray is the closest i can can research and be sure. There is way more detail than i can discuss at this point in time. Ive had to learn by force.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

72- January 3rd 2017 Story Summery