Today is December 22nd. And its two days till Christmas. Merry Christmas to everyone. Christmas is not whats under the tree but rather,whos around the tree instead. For myself it holds any sort of hope that i am jobless at this point in time. And have a hard time working and leaving my home under the conditions that ive lived through. If youd read this story so far you surely understand what im talking about. I can get the fact that something like this could be very easily passed off, as a bogus story. But rest assured this its totally real. And i wished it was not true. As well as if youve read? You could only imagine standing in my shoes. And what each day brings? By all means i actually tried to purchase a firearm yesterday to protect my family in case of a break in and for general turkey hunting. I have in the past been sucessful at a purchase. But now for some reason. My attempt was rejected. Someones still got there fingers in,controlling my life and home here. I am a believer about that? On the firearm purchase? I am now questionable? For my home for sure. I could see it but its been a year and a quarter now. And the authorities have attempted at busting the meth lab nextdoor. And failed. Now we have a so called bees nest. Thats been poked. And esculated so to say. Weve lived this way. We are living in a way to which our freedoms and civil rights have been severly abused. Amoungst my body. Electronic harassment style.The only thing that comes to thought is? We are being held down. Since my last publish. My computer has failed. And my dehumidifier has failed as well. As i had previously mentioned, as this ongoing deprevation of life continues. My dogs are still getting sick around the same times. For some reason its always, just after dark. And by the way if you seen my big rotty in the dark? Youd run too. Shes 140 pounds of warrior. If i had to let her out. The toll that this has taken on my family? Is unbelieveable. My wife and i are on the rocks after being married for 21 years. My charactor has been deformed. And our privacy. Is totally gone. We have nothing,but an empty shell of a home that used to be. My friends all wonder were ive been for the last year and a quarter? As i do not want to impose this issue or threat to them and there family. By going to there homes. As i am typing out this paragraph. The meth lab people are fleeing their driveway.
This an ongoing true to life story of Electronic harassment. This is still happening to my home and family. The worst of it all started in around oct. Of 2015. It is still going on today oct. 27th 2016.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
68 Civil Rights And The 4th Amendment
Merry Christmas to all you safe Americans. Whats been happening here at my house? The same sodomizing and rape to my genitals. My head and body being used like a free for all. I feel like a grocery store product that youd have to squeeze in order to feel if i was ripe. The same meth lab nextdoor making around the clock. As my home is being held down by some super sofisticated equiptment. I am still being sexually assaulted. In a very brutal way. Its still in such a way that i can get up in the morning in my bed. And not even touch the floor. First thing in the morning. With shades and curtains on my windows in the bedroom. And the meth lab people clear out of thier driveway. And most of the time when someone leaves the meth lab driveway. I get a prick the the left middle finger. ("Left F*ck You). We are talking gear that is cutting edge. Something you would only think to see in a Sci Fi movie. Qualified individuals would know exactley what im talking about. Now its been this way for a long time. Many,many months. I can see something is wrong with my satellite reciever for tv. I can be watching tv and lines go through the screen. Like something is snapping in and out. My phone is hacked and has been for around a year and a quarter. Solid. I just installed a GSM finder phone app. That tells you what your phones connected too. I got the screen shots of my culprit. And they quickly. Stopped the app. And zeroed everything out. So all the identifing factors of my phone connection disappeared. My new computer no longer works. Ive had paragraphs that i have written disappear right under my nose. And for some reason my blog app. That i am using now is dictated by them. Anotherwords. They can and will stop my page from being published. Theyve deprived me of uploading any photos. After they realised i uploaded the first one. They quickly fixed my ability to add anymore. This includes stopping my internet entirely as they wish. Like i said before. My electronics are failing. Anything with a memory. Or anything with a l.e.d display screen. So my family a i are at a loss for Christmas. As this continues as a ongoing privacy problem.Our home has been swallowed by some high tech gear. I feel as if we are being held down for the meth lab nextdoor. And the reasoning for the body abuse is pure nonesense in a hobbs, 4th and detention kind of way. Seems really coward like. And very sick way ,to say the least. Now if you could see past your nose? Youd understand whats happening to us. The same spear feeling shots to my temples all day. It makes your ears ring bad. Really tired and with a headache. Usually my head is used as a communication tool. Like a shot to the right temple is (The right Thought) and a shot to the left temple is (Leave thought). The usual shot to the left hand side of the neck( Left pain in the neck) and (Right pain in the neck). I aswell believe that the shooting to my right testicle. Represents "Meth" (As being "The Right Nut") One could only imagine being shot in the genitals tens of thousands of times. And amoungst the head and body. And the qualification as to this so called human being behind the controls of this sicko machine. Actually can do this with no remorse whatsoever. Including my dogs.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
67 Methers with some high tech gear
The same things are happening here at our home as usual. Today wed. December14th. Seems like theeth lab next door has some real crooks with some really space like high tech gear. When your considering as soon as you wake up in your bed and their all leaving the driveway from the meth lab next door? Thats getting pretty spacey considering our bedroom is on the second floor of the house and you do not even have to turn the lights on and thier fleeing out of the driveway nextdoor. And considering the fact that ive taken all this abuse from the same weapons of sorts. This is equiptment that you and i cannot readily get our hands on here. So you know who and how crooked they are. A little bit unfair advantage as they hold my intranet under at there will. And dictate what i can send and use on my jetpack and cell phone? Think hard.... Whats going on here at my house? You got it. I can type a paragraph like this and ylthey have the power to stop me from publishing. Erasing paragraphs under my nose. HOSTAGE ring a bell. Total deprivation of rights and beat around in our not private home.
Monday, December 12, 2016
66 Merry Methmas
I hope your all having a great Christmas. But for my family and myself. Its the same situation as before. I am still under Electronic Harassment. Yesterday morning the same as ever. I wake up to shots of direct energy weapon to the head. My tormentors make it a Sunday morning ritual. And as for the Meth lab nextdoor. They are making like its no ones business. I mean to say they might just as well put up a sign. And go legit into business here. I can even smell a fosforus like smell when i walk outside my house. Now if youve read this true ongoing story youd know the deal here. I am being held down nextdoor to the lab as they get away with the impossable. Its still in such a way. I can get up out of my bed. And not even actually get out of my bed itself. And the lab people are leaving the their driveway. I have window blinds plus curtains if that tells you anything. I am really tired of living this way in a so called free country. I am still getting shot to the left middle finger during the day. ( Left F*ck You) They want me to leave my home. Which is not going to happen. I get shot in the neck ( Left or right pain in the neck). I am still getting shot up the bottomside and in the testicles ,including the penis. My hpme serves as some form of SIMS game style grid that they hang over all day long. Everyday 7 days a week. Its beens this way now for atleast 10 months. I have recieved so much punishment. I cant even count anymore. My electronics are burning out in my home left and right. Certain people would know exactley what im talking about. So another Christmas down the tubes. As the freedom bell rings. It never rings here. We have sick individuals on this planet. They deserve a parking spot next to Adolf Hitler. Last night my dogs were used again as some form of tool out of my home. They get shot in the guts. So that it makes them sick. Or induce a bowel movement. (ARE YOU GETTING THIS? YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?) We live in a concentration style camp. And are being held as a form of captivity. Followed whereever we go. Phones tapped. You get the picture. Someone making big cash off of nextdoor. As our home and life lives under thier control.
Friday, December 9, 2016
65 As The Lab Chirns
Hello safe Americans. Its been a few days since my last post. But its the same planet here for my family. They do not seem to be bothering the rest of my family like they are me. But they sure are making tons of meth nextdoor. I mean this place is like a factory. And every attemp that the law makes to bust the place. Is a fail. Its been this way for better than a year now. It must be a sad day for them. And evenworse for me.But inbetween all of this. I am still getting abused. Thats correct. In my home and out. The BTS Tracker from Sugarcube from the app store Android even shows the placement of my stalker hooked to my phone. As my phone is downstairs. The blue placement follows me upstairs as i have sex with my wife. It hovers over our bedroom. I can come back downstairs were the phone sat the whole time and it actually shows the blue dot followed us upstairs? Now are you thinking what im thinking? You got it. Its been this way for months on end. We are providing a show and are not even supposed to know it. But i do. The location of this blue dot is were ive recieved punishment from as well. This morning i wake up out of bed to punishment to the head. I mean it seemed like it was from all directions. I even unplugged my tv and satellite reciever. If your in the business? Youll know about the abilitys to use l.e.d lights.Around 4:00 a.m est. So someone has acess to some high tech equiptment up here. And they are holding me under as they make meth by the pounds. This is such a severe situation. And has been handled very unprofessional. Now i am thinking that since theres snow on the ground. Stalkers are not able to make tracks in the snow. Id see the tracks. So they figured they would put on the pressure. And drive me out of my bedroom down by my coffee pot. So they could see were i was in my home. I would have to walk between windows with the lights on. We leave lights on at night. Trust me you would too.So they could do what they needed to do nextdoor at the lab. Now it would only seem logical to me that like usual. They made a batch of meth overnight. And was holding the bag persay. And the batch of meth was in there hands. And not trusting me. They felt comfort in nowing were i resided. "So what ever crook" is running this gear. Is using it in a wrongful way. If you get the gist here? You dont get this off the shelf nowhere. "So go figure". And another supporting factor is. The labbers when they stalked us on foot only. They would watch for me to get out of bed. From a position outside in the woods. So they could run the batch of meth out. But now. Get a load of this. I can just wake up and move in my bed. Not even put my pants on. And the cars are racing out of the driveway? I have blinds and curtains over the blinds. In all windows. Which obstructs any point of view. So youve got it. They are having to use radar. Now i have actually taken movies of this radaring. Yes thats correct. We are being radared when we go to bed. Our hostage style life has led to this. They have been radaring us in our home for months on end. "So that being the case". We are being watched in the shower. Bathrooms and everyplace in our home. Right here in America. They have us under serveilance 24/7. Nice life huh? Try living this way? Well see how far it gets. But our home is like a big discount store for having any rights for some reason. They beat me around with prick feeling shots to the body. Including the testicles,stabbing feels to the neck,shots of electrical feeling punishment up the bottomside and penis. This has happened for months on end. They can give you an what feels like a air blast to the ears. Like someone slapping your head on your ear hole. They can make a burn feeling. The punishment to live here alone has been a hitler style torture chamber. As they keep us under control. My most recent finding is that. I am being followed by drones. And i mean a fleet of them. So no more foot prints in the snow. The meth lab has graduated to a more sophisticated set up. And freedom and justice. Is dictated by them and there dirty partners.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
64 My Punishment Continues
Hello world. Again i hope you do not find yourself in this wrongful position. Like myself. I have some idiots with some really high tech gear at my house. I have tried every avenue possable to help myself. Including turning in the actions tied to my cell phone activity. With no responce. Not even a consideration. Someones got my phone hooked up. Any GPS based app. And the location of my phone flys around the house,yard and woods. According to the placement marker on a style map. I can leave my phone in my car at any store. And the blue dot follows me into the store. I have thousands of screen shots and photo if myself inside my house as apparently my phone has traveling capabilities of its own? Hmm yes thats totally correct. Id rule it out as a fluke. But this is the second phone that it has happened to. And this phone is brand new.Ive as well had days of total battery drain. New phone and the battery will not stay charged. And i seem to be getting some weapon activity to my body as well. Well anyways this morning i wake up to go to the bathroom. Id only had 4 hours of sleep. And as soon as i move in my bed. They will not let me go back to sleep again. Sleep deprevation seems to be some sick sucess. And the constant shooting to the right testicle (Nut) l am wondering what this right nut is supposed to be? After a good 6 months of being sodomised and raped in the genital area. Ive come to this meaning. Now someones looking for some form of movement. And from me. Now what could i do to actually perform this right nut? Anyways this morning i heard some activity at the meth lab factory nextdoor. As i layed in bed trying to sleep. But was being shot in the "Right Nut" continuousley. I eas thinking someone was wanting me to go to my usual morning routine spot. I sit on my stool in front of my windows with a good view of the front and rear of my home. Totally surrounded by woods and fields. I get to the bottom of my stairs just shortly after hearing a car at the lab nextdoor. To find my rotweiler outside eating grass. I look at my dog with discused. To recieve a shot to the "Right Nut". Thats correct. My dog was performing the "Right Nut" deed apparently. Youve got it. As real as it gets. My dog was outback chewing grass. And usually as a routine she barks at the meth lab. I mean this dog hates them people. And sences the dangers that they have performed overs the years and stalking my home and family. So again. Someone is desperate enough to sicken my dogs to go outside. Now ive been shot through the intestines area. And covered the direction of the shot. With my hands to find that the pain would stop myself. So point in case. Is that i could uncover the the direction with my hands to feel the pain again. So i know what my dogs are going through. It really sucks and they can mimmic and induce a bowel movement this way. Look up electronic harassment. And abilitys of this form of weaponry. So totally theres no doubt. My tormentors are desperate. Please revert to this true ongoing story happening right now november 29th 2016. Now ask yourself after reading from the beginning. What we are looking for here. Other than human trafficking. Animals as well. This has been happening with my dogs as a rack record time and time again. Theyll use them like they have me. My dogs around dark time mostly. About 45 minutes in. Dogs fart like they do. But are restless and will not stay in one spot. Youd move to getting shot in the guts to induce sickness. But no sooner my dogs go outside within moments a car pulls into the meth lab driveway. Id call it a coinsodence,but after so many months of watching it happen like this. I have no other choice than to believe. After all, im human. If theyd do this to a human being. Imagine what theyd do to your animals?
Sunday, November 27, 2016
63 Electronic Harassment Still Going On
Hello people. Some day youll stumble acrossed this blog in leu of this happening to you. Yes thats right! In the very near future you will see this gang stalking in the big headline news. The skin is broke open and this is coming to surface. Electronic harassment and gang stalking. Check out Dr. John Hall And in 2017 the release of " A New Breed" the movie. The same sexual sick acts are being done to me. Yes its been month on top of month for me and my torture. Theres innocent people being shot up here in America. What a shame. Theres more dirt to come unfortunately. Anyways trying to debunk meaning. Someone out here loves me. Joke! Joke! For some reason i get a prick to the left middle finger as one of the excuses they are trying to say here. Ok now ( Left f*ck you) Theres only one problem if i am getting this right in meaning? I didnt join nothing? So it brings me to maybe think? They want me to leave my house? Hmm! Questions? Meanings? By any means someone a real sick puppy. Now they enjoy shooting my genital area. Thats for sure. And if i walk outside? ( Its the right nut?) What about going outside could be the right nut? Please read the truths beginning from page one here. I think it will enlighten the picture. Someone needs some human trafficing. I dont know about you or anyone else. But if someone put the boots to you. Would you help them out afterwards? I know the answer to that. No need. I understand that this story is hard to grip. But you should stand here. But like i said very near comes the ice breaker to the American public. A new can of worms will be opened. Us victums will be coming out of the wood works. The Silent Beating. All about transparency. And the ability to get away with it. Them godley figures. The saints and sinners. By any stretch of means. Ill be the first in line to enlighten you with the truth. Now mind you this. CNN News had a news segment pertaining to torture. And the responsable position your putting yourself into. They are totally disreguarding this law amounst so many others. No typical person off the street has acess to this kind of gear. So it leaves this topic in a generalised area. "Sick" for one. And id be there to stand to attest the truth under any oath. Take a lie detector. And will prove my credibility as a healthy person. You see. There are many innocent people out there. They like to get a mental record started on you to start out with. This gives them the upper hand to commense the sickness. They dont want you to say nothing. But just take the beating. Its all about positioning. Persay, butter you up. Get you ready for the torture. Now mind you this. These people are supposed to represent. And stand as an example. For whats right. But to find out your getting beat up by an uncalised hand. Its yellow. Cowardess and a total misrepresentation of exactley what the world doesnt need. Comes to surface you devils. And bake in the hands of the people. America needs to know. The eminent dangers. Around your friends and family. The truth behind there lies. By the way. The meth lab still in business. Larger than life itself here. Theres no life here at this home. 21 years down the drain. "I JUST NO SOONER GOT DONE WITH THIS POST. MY PUPPY WHINSED AND PUKED ON THE FLOOR". And a poke to the right temple. "RIGHT THOUGHT". Get the picture here?
Friday, November 25, 2016
62 The Are Controling My Phone
Today is another day on meth mountain. I sat on the couch area yesterday. Took a few shots to the left temple. Happy Thanksgiving.But this morning i wake up and total attack to the right testicle again. Sounds funny,but not. This is turning more into a serious matter than ever. Todays technology is amazing. Hopefully you never go through what i am here. Its very much like what the news is talking about " Waterboarding torture". It is really funny how my electronics in my home can act up. For some reason i have to replace the control board in my wash machine. Whats that got to do with anything? In the near future youll find out. "Trust Me". When American people find out the truth behind all these money saving l.e.d lights and control boards. Youll want nothing to do with them. Read up. As i sit here. Still getting shots to the testcle. Do i have a problem down there? No!!! Absolutley not!! The problem is the operator of a sattelite. And they are very crooked people. They can acess your dash in your car. Cameras,including erase photos on tree cams. All remotely. Your computer. And yes tap into your electronics totally. Jet packs,cell phones. Ive had paragraphs i have written erased from this blogger app. Right under my nose. I have pages they would not let me publish. They will not let me upload any of the body abuse photos. My phones battery being brand new will not stay charged. The same thing with my previous one. I had times were the phone would not charge fast enough with it plugged in? Sounds like sci fi your thinking? Get real!!! Real fast!! They can control the brain in your car too. Along will satellite tv recievers. Watch Cyber wars on television. Just as a start. My whole home is rigged.
Example: On large construction jobs some of the bulldozers are run by satellite. Thats correct.
But things has gotten way further advanced then just that. Somebody in a higher up position in the world is suffocating my rights for the lab nextdoor. Why are they doing this? Like taking advantage of my home. I can move around in my bed. Just getting up. And the lab people take off? Blinds in the windows with curtains on them. Dont even have to turn on the light. Now whats up with that.
(Theres certain people out here that know exactley what i am talking about.) You know who you are. You need to come in this area and rid this family of the crooked business practices that are going here. Its all a silent little game they are putting me through. All amoungst the gang. Stalking is against the law. My cell phones? They can stop my webforms from sending. And including stop my emails as well. It is nothing else but them with total control. Suffocating my American rights. I am looking for help getting rid of my electronic harassment. And the guilty party that is responsable are trying to stop any means to help myself. I mean total suffocation. I believe i am being followed as well. Meaning anyplace in my vehicle.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
60 For The Love Of Animals
Monday night November 23rd 2016. My wife and i sat and watched television in the lower portion of our house. For some unknown reason? This is the spot for punishment for me? Most regularley abused. In some way shape or form. As we sat watching tv. We have our two dogs. Now this is not the first time for this to happen. I can remember at least 10 to 12 different occasions just to start. We love our animals. And we are the type of people that would never be cruel to animals. Anyways my rot weiler begins this terrable farting. Rottys do some times anyways but... She just would not stop. I noticed she started to lick the carpet. And usually does when she dont feel good. Now i was thinking that there was something wrong again with this? So instead of opening my back door to let her out. She would chew grass then anyways and bark at the meth lab next door. I would give her a piece of bread instead of grass chewing. And instead of giving these sick basterds there way with my dogs. Yes thats correct America. We stand back as they use our dogs. Anyways i figured it would only be moments and a car would enter the meth lab driveway. This is a proven track record. We have a new puppy about 12 weeks old. A cute little pug. We have been potty training her. She needs as a routine to go outside for a pee or other after each time she wakes up from a sleep. So we be sure to put her out the back door after each nap. Or small sleeping spell. Anyways as i sat there. The puppy started to get wrestless and move around on the couch. I knew at that point my tormentors were trying to get the puppy up so we would take her out the back door. These sickos needed a scare tactic? Distraction or some reason to have us be seen at the door? Now ask yourself why? The only thing i can even begin to imagine is to have us seen in thhe back of our house. To thwart or scare away a nosey lab stalker? And youve got it. And only moments and a car would pull in there driveway. This has happened way to many times to be a co insodence. Who are these people? The ones that has taken over our home and lives? The puppy is a recent replacement for a dog we had to have put to sleep. Our previous dog was used the same way. And my dogs wouldnt even sleep near windows and stay away as best as possable. And even changed there sleeping spots. But my mastiff had suffered a back injury paralising both rear legs. We had a suit case that would wrap her body and took her to the bathroom in and out that way. She seemed to never have any pain in her rear end. Never yelped once. But she would lay on the floor and cry like something was hurting her? The day we had to take her to the vet to have her put down after 11 years. I all day and on the way the the vets to have this sad thing done. Was shot in the right testicle the whole way there and back. No lie!!! Yes even in the car. But ill never forget the day we had this done. My dog in the car acted like she was being attacked. And a painful yelping like you knew she was hurting. Even moving in the car trying to drag herself by her front feet. She never yelped when we picked her whole rearend up to take her out for a pee. Again you got it!!! The truth lyes here. As i am the captive and hitler style slave. Here in my home.
Monday, November 21, 2016
59 Electronic Harassment Still Eminent
Its been a few days,but nothing has seemed to change here at our house. Some sicko is still shooting my private parts. Yesterday was Sunday November 20th. The usual first eye opener as i lay in bed. My abuser attacks my temples. And this is no headache either. Afterwads yes. But Sunday mornings its the same every weekend. Theres something about a Sunday they are trying to get acrossed here? The meth lab nextdoor? You got it!!! Full swing. You can still here them at night as you lay in bed. Cars in and out all day. My phone is still tapped. This whole harassment has about torn my family apart. My wife and i have tried to sell this house. No ones going to buy this place. Its a pure torture chamber for me hitler style. And with the reputation of nextdoor? Totally marooned. Unfortunately my attackers are setting out to destroy my family and marriage. They are slowley cutting grounds. The pressure of my abuse requires an all day maintenance to protect my private parts. Head and the rest of my body. Someone has some access to some real sophisticated gear here. Its really a shame it cant be used on what really matters. Forth Amendment to privacy? Never had it. But today my ears are ringing really bad from yesterdays beating to the head. Temples tender and brused feeling. Tired and just feel like the walking dead. Its been months on end. I am still getting shots to the neck with a sharp dagger feeling. I believe. They want me out of my home. ( " Left pain in the neck"). I just as i sit here recieved a strange kind of grabbing feel to the right hand side of the gut? I am an American citisen. Was born here. Someone up to no good here. And ive read were others have gone through this same type of harassment. I found a forum online were this type of a head beating will eventually kill you. There were many stories in this forum. About others. And the end result from the head punishment. This is all for you America. Your freedom. Your rights. I will sacrefice myself in the name of liberty. And meaning. I will take this beating. And keep this blog going. They are pissed about it. And keep putting on the pressure. Its all for the future of the United States Of America.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
58 As The Lab Turns
Yes thats correct. The meth lab towering the hilltop. Still??? Yes thats right. The same sick abuse is happening to my body. If there is any wizards out there? That would like to debunk my phone. I am totally willing to submit all information needed to end this tragedy on an innocent American family. Ive seen some of your tech services on Cyberwars. And i have a good puzzle for you to solve. Please reply to this blog post. I would be willing to get rid of these sick people ASAP. Its pretty bad when you cannot even sleep. Still going on here on American soil. Were is Nancy Grace when you need her?
Thursday, November 10, 2016
57 As Usual Punishing Testicles
As sick as this may sound? You should be going through this perverted idiots wrath of sex torture crimes. You could not imagine the countless abuse ive taken in the testicles and rectum. When i get up first thing in the morning. And as soon as i walk in my home door. The whole time. Now what motive would someone have to do such a sick minded crime? As soon as i go to the lower level of my home to watch tv is the worst. Through the window behind my head sitting on the couch. Or if i am in my kitchen inbetween my front and rear windows. We are in a one horse town out in the middle of nowhere. And it seems like i am being expierimented on here. They keep on shooting my left middle finger? ( left f*ck you) Well America i dont know what i left? But someones going to make me suffer for it. I can be going down the highway at 65 m.p.h and get the same precision treatment. Imagine that. I am being held hostage. Or captive. Now? Mark me if i am wrong? That sounds like a terrorist action. And the matter should be held really smooth. And carefully. Like knock this guys door down if hes at a desk. He may even be doing this remote. With a mixer of sorts. Others that are going through this too. If you do not know? They are using your own electricy against you. Sound sci fi? Do some research. Its plastered all over the intranet. L.e.d lights,coil lights,incondecense and etc. But off the machine they are using would leave signs of evidence. So what not better to do than to use your electric. No trace from there machine. Check youtube. They read your body chemistry. Each person has there own unique genetic profile. Much like your gene pool. So how do you think you are found anywhere you go? Your body gives off a finger print. I must be one of the first in my cow pasture area. Everyones getting a turn on me for practice. Got to watch out for them low frequencies and cell towers. We literally live under a radar 24/7. I am even followed everywhere i go. My house is it. Honest and truely. Watch (Cyberwars) Youll see what weve got in store. And how easy it is for these people at this point in time to break the law.
56 V÷R=I Equals Pain
November 9th and 10th. Life as a captive American. Its the same everyday. Its still staggering to believe that these sick individuals. Have only a simple mind. And primary objective is to attack my testicles,penis,rectum, and head. Of coarse i get smaller pricking sensations on other parts of my body. But if you are a new reader. Picture the movie hellraiser hell bound. It really depends on the day and whos behind the controls. But the fact of the matter. And the sane truth of the matter is. Its anything to shoot my testicles. I still have something attaching them to my phone. As usual the bts tracker from sugercube android shows the realtime location of this feed. Its been around 10 months of getting my body shot up. My home is on a S.I.Ms game style grid. As i sit here writing they can see it. Attacking my testicles. Right now. Telling me "Right Nut". They must like what i am writing. But yes the sex torture stuff? They get off on this style of harassment. New readers. Please go to page 1 to get the understanding of whats happening here. By the way. The meth lab next door. Working like a factory still. The guy will be driving a limo next.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
55 Electricity And The Human Body
Another effect of electric current on the body, perhaps the most significant in terms of hazard, regards the nervous system. By “nervous system” I mean the network of special cells in the body called “nerve cells” or “neurons” which process and conduct the multitude of signals responsible for regulation of many body functions. The brain, spinal cord, and sensory/motor organs in the body function together to allow it to sense, move, respond, think, and remember.
Nerve cells communicate to each other by acting as “transducers:” creating electrical signals (very small voltages and currents) in response to the input of certain chemical compounds called neurotransmitters, and releasing neurotransmitters when stimulated by electrical signals. If electric current of sufficient magnitude is conducted through a living creature (human or otherwise), its effect will be to override the tiny electrical impulses normally generated by the neurons, overloading the nervous system and preventing both reflex and volitional signals from being able to actuate muscles. Muscles triggered by an external (shock) current will involuntarily contract, and there’s nothing the victim can do about it.
This problem is especially dangerous if the victim contacts an energized conductor with his or her hands. The forearm muscles responsible for bending fingers tend to be better developed than those muscles responsible for extending fingers, and so if both sets of muscles try to contract because of an electric current conducted through the person’s arm, the “bending” muscles will win, clenching the fingers into a fist. If the conductor delivering current to the victim faces the palm of his or her hand, this clenching action will force the hand to grasp the wire firmly, thus worsening the situation by securing excellent contact with the wire. The victim will be completely unable to let go of the wire.
Medically, this condition of involuntary muscle contraction is called tetanus. Electricians familiar with this effect of electric shock often refer to an immobilized victim of electric shock as being “froze on the circuit.” Shock-induced tetanus can only be interrupted by stopping the current through the victim.
Even when the current is stopped, the victim may not regain voluntary control over their muscles for a while, as the neurotransmitter chemistry has been thrown into disarray. This principle has been applied in “stun gun” devices such as Tasers, which on the principle of momentarily shocking a victim with a high-voltage pulse delivered between two electrodes. A well-placed shock has the effect of temporarily (a few minutes) immobilizing the victim.
Electric current is able to affect more than just skeletal muscles in a shock victim, however. The diaphragm muscle controlling the lungs, and the heart—which is a muscle in itself—can also be “frozen” in a state of tetanus by electric current. Even currents too low to induce tetanus are often able to scramble nerve cell signals enough that the heart cannot beat properly, sending the heart into a condition known as fibrillation. A fibrillating heart flutters rather than beats, and is ineffective at pumping blood to vital organs in the body. In any case, death from asphyxiation and/or cardiac arrest will surely result from a strong enough electric current through the body. Ironically, medical personnel use a strong jolt of electric current applied across the chest of a victim to “jump start” a fibrillating heart into a normal beating pattern.
That last detail leads us into another hazard of electric shock, this one peculiar to public power systems. Though our initial study of electric circuits will focus almost exclusively on DC (Direct Current, or electricity that moves in a continuous direction in a circuit), modern power systems utilize alternating current, or AC. The technical reasons for this preference of AC over DC in power systems are irrelevant to this discussion, but the special hazards of each kind of electrical power are very important to the topic of safety.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
54 Still Under Attack
Hello good safe people in America. As usual the meth lab nextdoor in full force. I was awaken this morning to spear feeling shots to my right temple again. Like someones getting me out of bed for some reason? Now why would they have to see me come down and get coffee. Its dark out. They can easily see in my home. If thats noy bad enough my wife was taken out our new little puppy and for no reason? Our puppy yelped in her arms. You got it. And its not the first time either. I started a new job yesterday. I turned on the bts tracker app. On my android. On my way back home from work. Stopped in my driveway. Brought my phone inside. The blue dot slowley wiggled its way over the top of our house. From the topographical google style map. It proceeded to move around the yard and over our home as the night went on."DEW" Direct energy weapon. This is whats being used on my body. Yesterday i was tired still from the treestand head trauma i took days ago. Itchy red burning eyes. Tender brused feeling temples. I as well have read about D.E.W weapons that has been used on other Americans as well. Thats going through electronic harassment. They are tormenting my body to upset me. Still. They are pushing for something? Its been this way for months now. I still havnt gone into details about the phenom things around the house. Someones doing a big " No No" here. And looking for grounds to frame me. Why else would they keep up the pressure? Theyve punished me good. And now that i have come out with it online. I think they are looking to frame me just like others in the past. Another words find a reason or create some form of grounds to put you in jail. Im not any different than you are. Are you going to take the punishment? No ones going too. Watch "Cyber Wars" on television America. Learn the shameful truth. I have to keep an eye outdoors constantley for lab watchers. And to see where my attacks are coming from. Get yourself a bright flashlight. The new ways of making meth from what i understand? Is a shake n bake they call it. But they need someone to watch the batch brew. And as you sleep they can be putting it on your property to escape liability. And to push the blame off on you.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
53 What This Has Done To My Family
We are a typical American family. And, living through this hell. It has torn us apart. We are by no stretch of the means rich in any way shape or form. For myself the perfect vessel for this type of corruption. My kids and i have grown apart. My wife and i have grown apart. I feel as if we all need some form of structure. The foundation we built ever so carefully is and has been torn apart. We are reputable people people socially in our area. We are a no bull zone kind of people. And for myself. I know alot of people. And they all could attest to what kind of a no bull. Kind of guy i am. But as i sit here in the rubble of a family and what was ever so carefully built. " A Family" I find myself with my legs crossed in fear of my genitals area being violated. And sitting on a stool. So my rectum does not get violated as well. Ive thought about wearing a motocross helmet for my head but the precision is to good and would not create enough resistance from the weapon itself. And id look silly walking around my house.This is a sad factor. Considering. Theyve scared my whole family. Its really a miracle weve made it this far. By far,this has been the hardest and worst year in my life. "Reform"? Thats a good question? As i sit here. I often wonder if there is going to be a reform? For one we are built on love. We as a family never needed much other than each other. And we are lucky that we have not seperated in our marriage. Although in areas. My name has been deformed. A scare placed ever so strategically. In a good place. A place that was well buffed and polished. And the no bull kind of guy i am. I sit here with a stain on my shirt persay now. I always as well was the peoples type of person. Minded my own business. And got along with the rest of the good people. I never would forsake anyone for a logical issue. That would not be an issue to misuse another human being. Talking about the most well known roads travelled. Its a shameful new life. And nothing but a nightmare of a home structure. A place you dont want to be anymore. But cannot get away from. They wont let you go without a beating. Usually or torture of sorts. Always a game of sherades. Never a dull moment. And the strategy is to costantly keep you guessing. Theres nothing more to life better than to see you go. And not beat on my familys home. And foremost beat on my body. We pay our taxes on time. We own this land and whats left of a house. But we for the last year. Dont even own ourselves anymore. "The Devil Himself, Moved In" So to say. Is there a safe harbor? Ive read about were desperate people digging holes in the ground, would try to get away from the torture. Some form of life huh? Is that life? Or man made hell on earth Hitler style?
52 Dear America
Dear America. There seems to be some holes that need some form of mending. These holes could be a rust spot in the form of view. Just as a starting point to see. There is a place for certain things to happen and some useful tools for the benefit of our safety. But when they are carelessly placed in the wrong hands. They can be very leathal to the general public. I stand to attest as a perfect example. Theres things ive never wanted to know. Or things ive never wanted to feel or go through. But my sacrefice has taught me a good lesson. And a lesson that i will never forget. But for the sakes of other good people. And the future to come. Some things need to be more well rounded and formed into a break proof seal. Through out the good bad and ugly. I have been well beaten down. For the sakes of the future. Please fix. This hidious problem. Your appeirance is everything. And without all the people. We would be nothing.
Friday, November 4, 2016
51 Beat On In My Treestand
The right nut or testicle. Shot all day friday nov. 4th. First of all. Hello good safe America. Let me inform you about something next to Adolph Hitler related activitys. And something that is going to ruin the future of our country. This is a very shameful situation. And to think of the recourse of equal opposite reaction to our future. I am just shocked and awed to even begin to fathom. Here i sit as my electronic harassment continues. I am sitting in my treestand. About 6 miles from my house. First of all i was sleeping this morning. And as usual i get punished somehow as a wake up call. My flying beater. Attacked my testicles more. If thats not good enough. The flying space junk must have gps locator attached to my hunting spot. Or simply followed me there. It has suffocated my life. I sit here in mother nature trying to hunt. And the flying beater attacking my head. I was forced to install the bts tracker again to confirm the activitys. The normal severe headache. Feels like youve never slept. A spear feel as they slowley are trying to kill me it seems? And make it look like natural causes. And the meth lab nextdoor is going on stronger than ever. This is the same satellite feed they had attached to my other android cell phone too. This is a new phone a week ago. My last phone was working the bts tracker for a week nearly without any carrier service? It follows me everywhere i go. According to the bts tracker.This power hungry beating needs to stop. The state i live in is the same state that the " The New Breed" the movie is written about. This is the state where it took place. I am a fond believer. That the rape torture happened. Its happening to me too. Got to love them peppermint patties. And Baron Friedrich. Im counting on some help here. This morning i woke up. Yesterday nov. 5th. I took a neck and head beating all day long. I thought i was going to have to go to the E.R lastnight. I had my head attacked even as i lay in bed. I could feel a warming heat sensation through my skin and whole head. My head became numb from the weapon trauma. Hurt like hell? Yes. Very slow sick form of torture. But for the entire day. How seemless and transparent. They are trying to tell me something like. They will shoot the left side of my neck( Left pain in the neck) or shoot right hand side. ( Right pain in the neck). Sexually sick? Now why would anyone want to confine me to my home? It has been this way for months. If i leave they torture me trying to get me to go back home?Like? Whats in it for your benefit for me to reside in my house?They will shoot a prick feel into my pubic bone area hair. Like to the most left handside. Telling me (left here). And so on. Or shoot my waiste line under the beltloop area of my pants. ( Telling me a Waste) The usual. Shot to the right nut. Its referring to one of to things im guessing? They jabbed my neck until it feels swollen and tender today. They noticed the swelling at the dentist the other day. Checking my neck for cancer. They logged the swelling. They have my new phone tapped already. I have been forced to install the BTS tracker again. It shows my phone is hooked to something for sure. It just seems like a hostage style situation. And the thought a belief that something like this. So Cyber and Sci-fi could be happening to me. Everything is moving very quickly for me. Im not used to being a beating post. And the technology being used. But i have hundreds of screen shots. Videos of evidence of my tormentor. And how they have been using my home as some form of stay point. This has been a very serious matter. Theres nothing fake about pain. You after a while will learn the directions you are being hit from. And by what. Previously i had got an MRI done after taken daily beatings to the head. I was lucky enough to have a previous MRI to go off from for difference. I surely could use another one. And it would for sure change again now. I do believe they want me under eye 24/7 and my where abouts. According to the tracker. Ive left the phone in the car. Went into homedepot. Came back out. I left the tracker on in my phone. The blue dot. Followed me into the store. It showed it from a topographical view of the google style map. Like,what do you want from me? What type of an expectation are you looking for?The meth lab nextdoor is going stronger than ever. And seems quite invinsable. I do believe that they are part of this hostage style way of life i have endoured for the last near year. Yes it seems as if theyve moved up in the world. And me not wanting the activity near my family. Its has really got really out of hand here. I as well have tried to upload pictures of some of the body abuse. But for some reason the blog errors out the pictures.
49 Audio Sound Generator And Bts Tracker
I am choosing to install a Audio sound generator. My tormentors should not like the effects of the tones generated. And my old Andriod phone has finally stopped working without service. It had the BTS tracker installed by sugercube. An android app. From the play store. The blue dot on the google style map would show most often times the direction of where i was being shot or attacked from. I am believing that now they have transferred to my new verizon samsung phone. My security scan seems to be acting funny right now. And if this continues in my own line of defence. I am going to be forced to install the BTS tracker to this android to help myself from the attacks. At least i can see if the blue dot that is demographically where your phone resides in real time on the map is accurate. Anotherwords if you phone is sitting still. The blue dot. Should too. Exactley over the phone in real time. On my other phone. The blue dot was flying around the yard as my phone sat still in the house. This way i can tell where its at so i can make love to my wife. If i turned on the tracker usually the blue dot is where my attacker was. And how they where stuck to my phone. I could turn on the tracker and they would sometimes subside the attacking on my body. Most of the time it followed us to bed and hung over our bedroom area. All night and floated the whole yard. Like say as my phone layed downstairs on the counter sitting still all night. I have found that the blue dot was hovering over our shower. As someone was using the shower. And times over our bedroom while we had sex.
For Some Reason I Now Cannot Post Pictures Of Abuse
8:54p.m lastnight. Again my tormentor shoots me up the rectum. This morning i wake up and get coffee in the kitchen. As i walk around. Shot in the rectum. Now this is no joke. Theres some sick people out here. They need to get theres at some point. And who would enjoy such a sick thing as that? Today is nov. 3rd 2016. A good news crew like cnn. Msnbc. Or fox news needs to come up here. And get some crap stopped. If someone needs me to look in a certain direction as i let my dogs outside or go out. I get shot up the ass from that direction. They want me to look at where the shot came from. This is how ive been treated here at my residence for about 8-9 months now. Its called desperate. Just let my dog out at about 1:45 p.m. Stood outside to being shot in the right testicle. Culprit still attempting now as i sit here writing. My phones tapped. Has been for over a year. Theyve deleted a whole paragraph that ive typed right under my nose. Friday nov. 4th. Researching a new lump that i have found on my testicle on my phone. Ive been attacked in the testicles for 8 months everyday or longer. Thousands of shots. Since then i have been attacked to the testicles. Someones guilty of shooting me in that area. So they figure they will fester with me. Some sick individuals. The meth lab nextdoor still survives. As i get electronic harassment. If anything is mentioned about a hurting area on my body verbally or on my phone it is researched. In the past i have been attacked to that area. Right now they have shot me up the rectum. They are commiting sexual crimes on my body.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
47 attack to testicles around 4:40
Attacked to the testicles just before someone left the lab nextdoor today. Around 4:40 p.m. Thats been the usual time for some form of punishment. I went to the dentist. They check your neck for signs of cancer. My neck is swollen from shots of spear feeling pains, that someone with a weapon is shooting me with. The dentist called a second opinion. Both sides of my neck. From my beaters. They call me a pain in the neck. ( Right pain in the neck) ( Left pain the neck) if i leave my home it happens. Or if someone else leaves im thinking from the math lab nextdoor. Got home from restraunt. At about 8:20 p.m.Me and wife went out in the dark to let the dog out. Red and black lights shined on my wifes backside. Red and black means to stop sh*t. Walked inside and got a black and blue on the wifes back. Huh? Someone was mr. Lightshow months ago and still is. On my property you are harassing and stalking. And being a perverted sick. S.O.B. Well pal. Youve displayed your I.Q level. Two points lower than a plant. Its night time here. I cannot wait until you get yours. I want to press charges to the maximum. You do not do that perverted crap to anyones wife. And it takes a coward. To perform such a brainless act.
46 Timing Is Everything
As long as the meth lab nextdoor has been going on. Ive noticed that. Theyve studied our patterns of travel. Such as my wifes work time and such. Like for instance. In the morning after she leaves to go to work. They will leave the meth lab. Now this is all about transparency. And not being seen by my wife. If my wife seen them leave. Then she could witness the activity patterns that i know about. Ive watched them for years. And they seem to be trying to blend in. Like they could be trying to commute around us. Why would they do this? Hmm the only thing i could guess is to try to confuse there activity with ours. Yes like blending into a frame job. Pretty swift huh? Now why would they do something like this? They are not smart enough. But someone else is. Are you getting the idea here? Ive noticed this pattern for much to long. What a way to live. And whos behind this mask?
Its Still Happening 45
The meth lab nextdoor in full force still. Someone is going to take a head on crash at somepoint. The way they run out of nextdoor at some point. Another words. They must get the meth in the car and floor it. Sometimes worst than others. But on my account being so close to the major outfit nextdoor. We hear the action from in our home. This morning i woke up to some spear feeling shots to the temples. Its an everyday routine. And getting an electrical feeling shot up the rectum. Thats right, as i walk around in my American home. I just recently got a new cell phone. Within a week ago. I have days of pure battery drain on a new phone already. Thats right. So much for having a life. Or a home at that. This home has been nothing but a pure hell hole. Out in the middle of nowhere. We as Americans are faced with living this way. I am being targeted. Youll see a similar movie coming up in 2017 called " A New Breed" This is what i am going through. This movie is based on a true story. And will be shocking the American public. And a huge eye opener for the blind americans to see. I under no condition or in any way have anything to do with this movie or production. But rather. I am being targeted myself. It is rather funny how the meth lab nextdoor. Is at free will. To operate and run meth 24/7. The other morning. I lye in bed as my wife took out or new puppy. Ive heard the lab stalkers that stalk our home beat on the side of the garage before. They wait in the dark and as soon as we walk out our door. One of them will beat on the garage wall. Notifying the maker or makers inside. Yes thats right. Our home is surrounded. And we live like prisoners in our own home. Im taking a beating to boot. And i heard them beat the wall as my wife took our puppy out to pee. Right now as i picked up this phone and started to write in this blogger. The whole meth lab full of people. Took off out of the driveway. I am in a spot in my house where they cannot see what i am typing. But they cleaned out of the meth lab nextdoor in a hurry. I am wondering if they have my phone tapped and how? That is for you to guess? And for me as well. We could only wish they would all go to prison. Thats where these people belong.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Shot In The Bottomside about 7:30 a.m 44
Oct 28th black suiited person seen in in the road around 4 p.m right in broad daylight. All black right down to the shoes. I was checking my mailbox looked to my right and there they stood right in the road. In a spot visible from my home and meth lab nextdoor. That same evening i was severly attacked in bed to the testicles. Today again oct. 30th . Every Sunday morning i have awaken to some form of severe head punishment or a spear shot though the abdominal area. As the meth lab still continues. Go yankees. A trip to central america would be nice. Wonder how they are doing on the border wars? Now if you could only imagine. Going through something like this? A stone throw to penciltucky. Really near the famous glass museum. Here it is 4:46 p.m est. I this morning went through some severe head punishment. I am tired. I had to take some headache pills. This the same punishment. That showed up on my last MRI. Im in need of another. This will show what they are doing to me. Other than that. Ive been shot up the tectum 6-8 times. Cant even go outside my house without being sodamised or havingy testicles shot. In or out of my home. I surely feel like some captive pr hostage. As someone else overthrows my home and property. Just a piece of hamburger. A regular torture punching bag.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
The Head Beatings Continue After 12:00 p.m est. 43
I have added a photo of my android phone. This phone is out of service. Its been out now for days. My attacker has tapped into my phone to stalk me. The Bts tracker app. Is still showing the blue dot in real time were my phone is supposed to be. Its a google earth style map. Its very accurate. And ive been getting attacked from the same direction it resides in. Today as usual my tormentor seems to be in office afternoon time est. He loves his beatings. As i lay in bed for a snooze. He starts vishiously attacking my left temple again. The results. Severe headache,tired like ive never slept. And itchy burning red left eye. Imagine going through this kind of punishment as the meth lab nextdoor is running meth around the clock. Now i am an American citisen arent i? The last time i checked? You see our home provides a ideal site of view to see whats happening at the meth lab nextdoor. Do you get the idea? Now this is about out in the middle of nowhere,the location. And its a cow pasture type of an area. So i guess you take your beatings the way there handed huh? Otherwise you may recieve more electronic harassment. By the way this is our property? Too. The last time i checked. And as well getting shot up the rectum from the woods too? Visit my youtube page. You can see signs for yourself.
Human Morals And Proper Use 42
Today is another day at the warfront. The battle grounds chosen is my home and land. Theres a silent war going on here. No one wants the media or the news involved. This would only witness any kind of illegal activities being conducted. And legal action could be taken. Under grounds of evidence.The same sick tactics are being employed on my body. I remember months ago when this first started. Most of my issues were in the evenings. Its the same today. For some reason even though my land is posted. This is not making any kind of difference in the transparency aspect of what they are looking for. A.K.A the clean get away with it. Im am talking about being abused in my home. Tactics are being employed to dominate my home and property. And body and sole.The meth lab nextdoor still in full force. This has been going on for over a year now. We as a family. Are literally being trampled. Which brings me back to a time. About eight months ago. I was getting abused in my home by the way of a weapon of sorts from around the woods area. Or at least i thought. But anyways someone didnt want us up past a certain hour. Yes thats correct owning your own home as adults. Paying taxes. And someone was going to abuse you if you didnt turn your lights off and go to bed. This always happened at night for the most part. Anyways i would take punishment on my couch in the living room. I was not supposed to be in plain view of sight in the night time. Around a window with a light on so i could be seen. This could pose a positioning issue in this silent war.I was tormented and tortured for sitting like say near a window. And watching tv. Another words dad took a beating so the wife and kids could watch a movie. Have you ever walked past a window at night? And theres lights on inside the place your walking by? Well if there was someone up above you on the ground the same as you. If you walked past the window they could see your sillouette go by. Well unfortunately for us. We have a tv in our bedroom too. And it casts lights in the windows. In the area of the best positioning outside. So youve got it! We were followed pretty much so right up to our bedroom everynight and still are. And there again the same abuse would happen over having our tv on in our bedroom. The tv casts a light. So no one in the dark would want to go past our window. They may be seen passing the light by someone else lurking in the darkness.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Links To Android Phone Tapped Youtube 41
Look for ( 2016 go u.s.a made) thats the account on listed under electronic harassment. Its shows that my phone does not even need service. And the blue bts tracker dot still is able to fly around the yard. And over the house. I have found that my attacks most of the time come from the direction the blue dot resides in. Anyone going through electronic harassment. Id encourage to download this app. And atleast give it a try. Unfortunately its been around nine months of abuse and today wednesday oct. 26th 2016. I am still a victim. Its a cold shameful situation here in the U.S.A when something like this must take place. Theres no need in the beating of a human body.
Friday, October 21, 2016
We Sold Our House 40
I almost forgot to say that after my renevations. We had our home sold. So we had another home in mind. Things like this take time for the closing and what not that goes with the sale. We were excited to think that we was going to get away from all the meth lab action nextdoor. So we pack up many years worth of accumilation of things and moved. We actually get an early entry into the new home. I was happy to think that my punishments might be over. I was wrong. The punishments followed me to the new place. The two weeks we were there.The same sorts of torture as there was here. The new buyer waits right up till the day of the closing after we had already moved. And backs out of the sale of our home. Needless to say. I could only imagine. That the hearsay of the meth lab next door. And being four years in business. That the buyer more than likely heard about the lab. And thought about what would have been there new neighbors. As i sit here writing my tormentors are attacking my testicles. Who are these people? Anyways lesson learned about the moving thing. We now are right back next door to the meth lab. We were forced to come back to the hell hole. Everyone elses home but ours. A person builds credit there whole life and does not want to damage your abilitys to lend. So here we sit. A perfect spot for my body beaters to access me. And they take full advantage of the situation. Anyways a bent arrow will never fly straight. As they say. I have many photos of what it looks like to be beat on. And to be a canvas of flesh. I will be posting a link. To some screen shots. As well i will be putting up a photo blog for all to see the evidence. And what the BTS Tracker by suger cubes screen shots look like.
Human Trafficing and laws 39
I just remembered that. Many times the shooting to the right nut meant for me to do a free deed. And that meant to go outside. And maybe the guys watching the lab would receed. Some kind of right nut huh? Like this is the correct way to approach the situation? It sounds more like desperation of sorts. And its upsetting and pathetic. But i have had many of times to where it seemed like my dogs would get sick. And have to go outside to chew grass. I do not know for sure. But it seemed like it was around times just before something was going to happen at the methlab. But at any cost. Who would do something like that right? They dont have enough care for a humans life. So whos to say? Anyways for the sakes of other American people going through this. I understand. And its going to take some work. And its going to have to have the attention that this deserves. In order for this barbarick current loophole to be closed. Neanderthal might i say. Its sad to say that this silent beating is happening to people acrossed America. As well in other countries. This is the modern day Hitler. If you care to venture to look just do some research. In the title description of this true ongoing story. And again i challenge anyone in the world. About pseudoaphakic and aphakic people. The debate is over. If you have some of the monofocal eye lense implants like myself. And you accidently are looking around. And innocently see something. Like a light that you are not supposed to see. You may find that youll be scrutenised. I do apologise about some of my spelling. I have been to busy in getting this rough draft discovered. Maybe we can have our house back again. After all weve lived here for twenty one years. Its been like its some kind of toolbox. And a real life of privacy. Someplace where theres freedom. And laws that protect you from this type of abuse.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Other Forms Of Abuse 38
I have been as well shot up the rectum or bottom side. Not just once. Everyday for months.There are many phenom things i have seen during the coarse of this captivity. I will have to check with an attorney in reguards to some of these things. In reguards to putting them in this blog. But by all means. Whoever is still doing these things to me are still here. And during the coarse of my confinement ive been beat on so much. Like for instance. A man has veins that can be seen on there testicles. I have had days of total punishment to one testicle. This has happened to me so much. I have above the veins. Tiny black blood blisters. Round in shape. All over my testicles. Just under the skin. Above the veins. Now as for the meth lab next door? After a years worth of time. Worth of my being punished.Still in business. And the meth lab has been in business a total of about four years in running now. Just recently about a month ago another attempt to bust the meth lab failed. It has been a long road. Im still getting abused. I do believe its over the use of my property. I have a satellite terrorist attached to me where ever i go. The meth lab nextdoor does not have these kinds of resources. And this is to sophistocated of products for there bent brains to run. So go figure? Anyways i still love my country the United States Of America. It is to bad that this has to happen here on our soil. I have gone through some loopholes for help. But theres nobody that cares enough for human life. Its a shame. And if they are there? They would rather watch you get punished.
Leaving My Home Abused For It 37
I am being abused by my satellite terrorist. For some reason when i decide to leave my home. I get shot in the chest. The way that this makes you feel is deathly sick. Faint and short of breath. As well followed by body trembles. You can feel like what seems to be a beam move inside your innards. In the chest area of your body. I as well have been shot in the heart area by my tormentor as well. And a little description about being shot in the head. This grabbing feel penetrates the skull. Without any evidence externally. The side effects are. You can feel this move in your brain. Kind of like a rolling or grabbing feel. Severe headaches,tired like youve never slept. Red burning eyes. And as well followed by severe ear ringing. All inclusive makes you feel lethargic. And with a slow train of thought. Which brings me to a time i went to bed and as usual my tormentor follows. Within about the fifth month around in that area in time. Since this all started.From the window behind my bed headboard area. I was attacked with a burning feel. Like they would have the weapon on a low setting but hold it there for a long time. My attacker gets off on watching you move. Knowing that they are creating an effect. I was burnt feeling in the top of my head so bad that it blurred my left eye for two days. That has happened to me twice. As well in this same time period. I woke up in the morning walked downstairs. I have a stool by my sliding glass door. And from the right hand side of the door. I recieved a shot in the abdominal area. It felt much like a small but sharp jolt of electricity go through my guts. I could feel this punishment for a week. There is so much torture that i have endured. There is no way to describe it all. I did after so much head beating everyday for months go get an MRI done. I had a previous MRI done a few years prior. So i had another result to compare the most current MRI with. Ive never had headaches like some people do in there lives. If i ever did which would be close to never id get a good one. But anyways my MRI results showed the head punishment.
Its Been Over A Year Now 36
Now the question is who and why? Who would do such a dastardly deed and why? Its been over a year now and im still being attacked by this satellite terrorist. I as well can at times get what seems like a shot from the woods direction. Without any sky view to shoot me from? If that makes any sense? Ok they see in all rooms in my home. I have screen shots of the bts tracker. Of the dot floating over our bedroom and yard area too. In this time of my torture. It seems like somewhere after the first six months in this hell time frame. Something changed. My abuser and tormentor. Has shot my penis for near six months now. And for some reason my testicles as well. I mean can you imagine waking up. And someone is shooting your right nut all day? Who are these people. What planet are they from? My guess is. The right nut would be running around outdoors all day keeping the lab stalkers back? The shot in the penis all day is calling me a dickhead. The game of sherades again. Now i have been shot in the testicles so much that i have small blood blisters surfacing the skin above veins. I have been through so much beating. I have photos of some of the body punishment and what it looks like. And lots of them. This again seems like a scifi and far feched story. But unfortunately for me. Its very true. It is happening to americans all over the country. There needs to be an end. To torturing american people on usa soil. This as well is called electronic harassment. I refuse as an american citisen. To be human trafficed. And to include myself into any wrongful doings. My liberties,amendments and human rights have been taken away from us. This is our home. It is not an open to the public freakshow. We are not. And will not be a discounted american family in reguards to our rights.
Privacy And The 4th Amendment 35
I would like to share with you about. "The Dentist". I do not know other than some sick form of being bord? I lyed in bed and was awaken by what felt like a spear down my throat. Now talking about precision. And being able to see in the dark. My attacker was after a tooth. Yes thats right. I was tortured in the teeth. What does this weapon feel like? Its like biting down on and ice cube. But just holding it there. Followed by a burn. I was attacked in the teeth. I have a tooth that still has a welt in the gum line. Not an abcess. A welt. This happened for days as well. The samething happened in bed. As well if i got near my windows in my home. Not to say that i havnt been attacked in the teeth doing 65 m.p.h going down the road hasnt happened. Because it has. But at any cost there are some sick people on this planet. And i just wished i wasnt in their way. I had gone through so many thoughts through out this period of time. And wondered if it would ever end? Would i ever stop being the target for some crimes against humanity? I also can stand in my shower and be attacked in my own bathroom. Which brings me to having sex with my wife. We were getting dressed afterwards. And the lighting pointed to a tank top shirt i had lying out. Someone thought. I was a tank on top. Can you imagine? I mean satellite terrorism is real. It is meant for something totally different. Than what is being used for at this point. It is a tool to provide protection. But it is being abused at this point in time. Just another loophole in a legal matter. That needs some attention. This is as well survallence abuse. Through out my findings online. These are direct energy weapons. Our home is being watched inside and out 24/7. And everyone in it. No bathroom or shower is sacred. There is nothing private at our residence at all.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Notable Times Of Torture 34
I was quick after months of the same regiment. To realise my day and what was to come. I would get burnt,pricked or speared feeling. And these god aweful U.V light codes at this point. It was always a game of sherades. And constantley trying to figure out what the lighting operator was trying to say. Or what they wanted me to do. Total deprevation of life. But i started to notice that it was only moments that someone would pull into the meth lab. Or if i did not help keep the meth lab watchers back. At these intense moments of need. And didnt provide any type of assistance. In trying to keep the lab watchers back. As soon as the automobile that entered the meth lab left. Id get punished in some sort of way. Whether it be shot in the eyes with the prick feel. Or take a hit to the head of some sorts. Yes barbarick? Hard to believe? For the reader i could only imagine what your thinking? At one point i was working doing landscape work. I remember telling my wife that i had nearly pulled my right arm out of joint. My mistake. I said this in my american home. And around electronics. Including my cell phones. That was a mistake. My attacker or attackers. Had to have heard me. I was attacked in that right hand rotater cup in my arm for about three days. Constantley. They even attacked it when i tried to go to bed. The only reasoning i could figure out? Was that they did not want me to leave my home. Or work. Anyways if i leave my house. The meth lab nextdoor. Making meth around the clock. And with there facination with me because of fighting with them for years. Would take advantage of positioning to over see any form of threat to thier ever so lucretive operation. Yes thats right. This meth lab is the everlaster bunny. My wife works and by any stretch of the means. We are not rich. But the called upon help. I was thinking. Was collecting a weekly paycheck. And they could care less about my family. Or any fact for human life. Whats so ever. It was all about the lab and how to get them.
As We Lay In Bed 33
Now alot of the time there seemed to be this intense moment for my beatings. It would be just before dark. Beings the worst times. You see the labbers couldnt be beat to the punch. Positioning that is. So thats when the heat was turned up on my punishment. The human trafficing takes place. If no deeds were performed to thwart in any attempt. Or go outside. To be in visual sight of a lab stalker with hopes that they would run off. For positioning. I was tortured. This was an evernight ordeal. Would you like to go to bed? Now it even got right down rotten. And someone would use the U.V lighting on my wifes body in front of me. As she lay in bed. This was a sick attempt to torture me as a husband. As i stood by and had to watch it happen. Night after night. They would flash the lights on her chest, pubic area and any other private place that was illegal. They would even do it to her bottom side. This is a situation to were any husband with a care. Would be furious. And it made me very upset. But with nowhere to turn. I as well would have sex with my wife. And the lighting would flash under my nose.
Torture And The Weapon 32
We still had plans to move in the spring. So renevations were getting completed. At one point in time it was like i was not allowed near any windows in my house. If i got near a window. I would get punished for it. Or if i ran power tools like in the lower section of my house. The meth labbers could hear were i was in my home. And take over preferred positioning. Leaving someone else in an undesired spot. I am a believer that the labbers were stalking and watching in my house as usual. Someone didnt want me near the windows or to be seen. This might make it harder to get closer to the meth lab. Especially if i was in sight. And a lab stalker was outside. Someone wouldnt be able to get close enough to the lab. Because of the stalkers position.Now the weapon that was being used on me had multiple settings or attacks. It could what felt like a burn. As well a prick like getting a shot. Scattered pricks,and as well a pain that could go straight to the bone. Like it never even touched the skin. Kind of metalic feeling. Almost cold. As well this weapon when used on your head would more like pass the skin and almost feel like its grabbing your brain. You could like feel it move acrossed or roll feeling through your head. As whoever was administering it would aim and move the weapon.The weapon can also feel like fleas crawling on your body. But the end result was like someone used sandpaper on your skin. The pricks i was getting actually got much worse after my discovery of the satellite connected to my phone. The transparent beating was no longer a secret. Before i even used the BTS tracker app. Everynight id go to bed. And it seems nice to go to bed right? All tired. Not for me i did not. Everynight behind my headboard. As i lay in bed next to my wife. I was being punished. By this weapon. There was no way to get away from it. You see when it turned dark. The meth labbers was waiting for us to go to bed. And no sooner would our lights go out. The activity would start. Cars running. People arriving and what not. So you know that your being watched and almost like being put to bed. So it seemed like a race for positioning. A race to the trees behind my house. And who was going to get there first. Labbers or you know who. My property provides one of the only acess points to even get near this meth lab. So go figure.
Monday, October 17, 2016
A Real Life Game Of SIMS 31
After my stay at the mental health that the c*ps put me in for no solid reason. Other than positioning. For what was to come next. I figured that the reasoning for this satellite feed was to use my property. That the authorities no longer had permission to use or property without our consent. My home and electronics still showed signs of being tapped. Now i do know a little about law and the statutes of limitations. And things seemed to be a little prolonged other than some certain instances i had previously seen in my life before. They still was trying to get me to help out. Outdoors. You see the meth lab was still in full bloom. And was making product right along. Theres no way i wanted anything to do with helping. What was supposed to be the good side of the fence any longer. Although was they the good side of the fence? After what they had done to me with this mental health aliby. So i was surely under the assumption that according to my bts tracker app. My phone was hooked up direct to this satellite feed. Now i asked myself? Why would this be? And what would anyone get out of tying my phone into this satellite? But i was quick to learn that i could sit still as my phone location was moving around in the yard. Or the woods. And i was getting hurt from someplace. Thats why i installed the app. To begin with. I could go down the road and see the U.V lighting anywhere demographically. I as well could go down the road and get, say a prick to the middle finger. Telling me f*ck you at 65 m.p.h with pin point accurasy. This led me me into discovery. And the area to search. I was under the assumption that on my small 2.3 acre lot that i had learned over a period of time certain things on accident. But even though my property was posted i still believe they were trying to use it for invest*gat*ng the lab nextdoor. I could hear signs of people in the woods and even seen them. But my home is over run by this satellite. And when i was getting hurt. My phone always showed that the floating around blue dot was over my house or near the window. When i first started using the tracker app. The blue dot would kind of like run away. As if it was trying to avoid detection. I am sure that just because they are taking so long to attempt to bust the meth lab. I had seen to much and they were and are suffocating my every move. Just to think? Theres no place sacred in your own home. I can lay in bed and its above our bedroom. Around the windows. So the 4th Amendment for my family was never a choice. We actually what seems like live in a game of S*MS. A very sad but true situation exists.
So Now The Lab And Help Against Me 30
Needless to say the bill we could not afford. And me having a massive family with aunts and uncles. The word travelled fast. I as well i have run businesses and what not. And i am well known in this area. For my charactor and my sense of not being a good bragger or liar. I am quite the opposite. Cant stand a liar. Or cant stand someone making up bullcrap stories. But for all the years of buffing and polishing my charactor of who i am. Thanks to the guy i flipped off. Ruined 45 years worth of charactor that i maintained as who i am. And sets me up for satellite terrorism. Over the use of my property. And the use of me. Being human trafficed. Just to bring in the boys around a meth lab full of stalkers that you cannot get near. Since. The certified letter was sent. They decided to use a satellite on my property instead. Beings that they could not walk on our property without first contacting my family.
Cuffed And Off To Mental Health 29
I proceeded to mudd my sheetrock joints in my closet and figured id stop when my wife got home. And hang some good blinds in the bathroom. The old ones were saggy and warn. She pulled in and foremost i wanted to show her that we were going to get the house ready forsale just like i said we was. And spend some time with her. When a c*p car pulled up into the driveway. Knocked on my door. The wife yelled upstairs were i was working on the new blinds. Hon theres c*ps in the driveway. I went to the door and they asked to speak to me. The car was parked half down the driveway. The *fficer said i heard youve got a problem with stalkers and a meth lab? I exclaimed yes. And a little chat about that. But then he apologised and said that captain something. Which is the county i live in said you need to come with me. They proceeded to hand cuff me. He said to me the reason is someone seen me in the window with a gun. So my wifes standing on my steps about 30 yards away and the same c*p tells her it was for another reason. So right out of the hole. I was being handled as a tactic for flipping someone off. Off to the mental heath i go. There is no law pertaining to having or shooting a gun number one. Number two telling my wife something different is a sure sign of abuse. I spent three days in a mental health hospital. This was a preresaquite for what was to come next over the use of my property and to gain the upper hand on my life. They hospital could not give me a straight answer to as why i was there or reasoning to keep me there. The answer was a higene check up. Nearly $8000.00 worth of a bill for three days. After all i had done for the help around my home. At this point. No trust. Surely i am not giving them the room to in anyway shape or form connect me to the meth lab. That still exists.By running around in my own yard. Tying me into this mess nextdoor. Not happening!!
Tired Of The Need And Losing A Marriage 28
I grew very tired of the prick to the knee and hand. ( Need Hand) And face for the direction i was to walk in. And all the lights pointing and narrating my day. Fifteen to sixteen hours a day. I didnt even move when i woke up alot of the times. I didnt want them to know i was awake. The help from the 9*1 call.But around this time period the meth lab owner nextdoor was busted. But with a first time offense class B felony. From what i had heard.He was caught with a firearm as well. And one of the new neighbors was caught right along with him. So it seemed like a happy planet for a moment. Although there was only one small problem. I knew that if he went to jail. As avid as he was. Someone else would use his lab as he done time. And sure enough. It wasnt even a week and the lab was up and running. The same thing all over again. His girlfriend took over while he was in jail for about 3 weeks. Then back out of jail he came. It was winter time. I was so busy trying to keep home court advantage even though my marriage was on the rocks. I was trying to help be rid of the meth lab still. Or at least i thought? But anyways i needed to keep renevations going. I knew it would never end. As soon as they both go down. Even if they did. Someone else would use the lab and it would start over again. I believe and know for sure there is laws against stalking. It just seems like ive never had any rights or to be able employ my rights as a USA citisen going through something like this. After all i was being used anyways. At least thats what i was thinking of. I had lived in my home here for the last twenty years. And the way it used to be? It would never be the same again. I ordered more finishing materials. Had them delivered and was trying to proceed with the finishing of my interior. I needed to focus on my family and be the responsable party. To get my family out of harms way. And to safer and healthy grounds. They must be making tons of money nextdoor.And my family was just getting trampled and in the way. Like a well beaten path. Day in and day out. The never ending circle of war. I decided to focus on finishing the renevation. And not to do anymore. Free labor for home court advantage. It was time to get this house ready to sell. And move. As persistant as my help to get rid of the lab was. They were a need freak. And suffocated my everyday life and home. The battle was all that mattered. I decided to rebel and not help. I had duties to tend to. To get my home finished. The 9*1 help would not take no for an answer. So i flipped one of the guys roping the trees. I continued to work in my basement that day. Mudding sheetrock joints. In a closet i had made. I figured id listen to the band korn. I was getting stop light. ( red/white) u.v lighting flashing on my jam box. They could hear in my house. Someone didnt like my music in my house mind ya. My house was tapped through my electronic devices. I dont know about anyone else but? This is my house. I do as i please here.
The lights And The Highway 27
For some unknown reason. I can go down the road and these ultraviolet lights still can be seen. Its been this way for around nine months now. This has all been to overwelming for anyone to go from fighting the meth lab nextdoor. To seeing all this lighting after post catarack surgery. This sounds like something out of a sci fi movie. But rest assured in the future you will see that this is entirely possable. If you are sceptical. Even in the year of 2016 MDs and scientists are still trying to remedy the monofocal eye lenses. I have been willing to have medical experiments on this topic. It may be beneficial to check out and search the website for aphakic. Or do some research online. In the year of 2017 there will as well be a movie released called " A New Breed". A true story. This is going to be the ice breaker to open up the minds of the American people. To how survallence abuse is being used. And to be used with transparency. Another words, "beat you up". Without any evidence. But anyways i had to start figuring out how this was possable? I looked over my vehicle for devices. I watched for other automobiles around me. With some sort of devices. Or people using a device of sorts. With not much luck. Although i did see signs of being followed. So its hard to decipher the meth lab stalking me or the body beaters stalking me. Or if its one in the same? I mean who would do this hanus crime to someone? Anyways i could go down the road and have this ultraviolet light point at the speed limit signs. Especially if i was going a might fast? I had this what i call a navagator. Or much like a narrator. Who ever is operating such a device felt the need to totally imprison my life. And drowned my daily activitys. Even procrastinating my family members actions or items if interest.I never had a life. Since it started. I mean it didnt matter were i went demographically. I was stalked. Day and night. I started to look into more resources online and the fingers unfortunately pointed to satellite terrorism and electronic harassment. There had been to much phenom things that had happened to justify anything else. Other than i was targeted. I am a great expieriment. I am pseudoaphakic for one. And the study of a person my age and logging would be a great attribute. Non the less to say. A great transparent way to human traffic someone for labor. But who would do this and why? Especially to this extent. I had found an app. In the android store called the BTS Tracker by sugercube. To my supprise. I was able to see my attacker in real time. This app. Shows were your phone is in real time located on a google earth style map. I had a problem. I can sit in my house. And the blue dot that represents your phone location. Was flying around outside. Leaving trails of were my cell phone was supposed to be. The only problem is i was inside my house. And my phone is sitting still. So i reinstalled it. Same thing. Had family members install it. It worked great for them. Showed were there phone was. In an accurate manner. Not mine. I have found that my cell phone is somehow connected to the satellite that is stalking me. And beating on my body. True story.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Certified Letter To Enter Premises 26
AWe were advIsed by our attorney that it would be a good idea to send a certified letter to the autorities. That stated that they need to contact us before entering our property. It was sent out certified with a responding return letter. At this point in time is when it all seemed to fall apart. I had as well posted my property. Just for the neighbors meth lab trespassing sakes. Prior to all of this i had seen our helpers a good many of times. I had even set up cameras to help them. Our home was like a cave. Windows with cardboard,blinds and curtains on the bedrooms. And near day and night for the other windows in the home. And it was even a wonder that my wife stayed there to begin with. Or my kids at that. My daughter moved out with her boyfriend at some point. And my son wanted to move to his grandmothers house. And through out about four months of time. I had only one phone call. In reguards to any form of progress. That didnt lead to any answers. Which was to be expected. But beings that our marriage was on the rocks. I still had to move forword with renevations. To have the house ready to sell come spring. Through out the time the help was there. I could get on my phone and chat through the drug tip line. And i made every effort to inform about next doors actions at the meth lab. It was like i could talk to someone outside my home even and get a light responce. Meaning id write something and get an imiediate responce. With an light flash.On the same webform. Being pseudoaphakic it was a constant game of sherades. And figuring out meanings. To what was being pointed at. This light game was from the time i got up. Until i went to bed. I read that some forms of seisures could be the result of to.mucj of this activity. And it was a very hard thing to get used to. Like living in a constant disco. If i home. The meth labbers would gain home court advantage.
Wife And Family Troubles 25
It seemed like they needed a hand so much. And constant need.That there was no time for me and my family. It got down right rediculious. So me and they wife started to fight. It was to be expected. Before all of this i had fought with the labbers for years anyways. I mean before the 9*1 call. Anyways it got to a point to where she give the choice of her and the kids. And she would leave me. This was a very unfair situation. She was very determined that there was no help. Or the help never came. Although she never looked for the signs. As i did. But being from the northeast fall time of the year and her work schedule. It was dark when she left for work. And dark when she got home. So she wasnt fully aware with the situation anyways. Well the touching vocabulary. Meaning the "Prick". Extended to my face. And the tell me to walk left or right. As an aid to the situation i still snuck around after the wife went to sleep in and out of the house. Just to see the meth lab busted after all the abuse. And the thought that they threatened my wife and family. Was something a father and husband can not forget. As a tactic. I had a temperature checker. With a laser. The ones you beam or point at something. And it tells the temperature. This was the perfect tool to keep the labbers out of the weeds and brush. It worked like a charm. Id point it in the weeds and out they would come. They was thinking it was something else for sure.
The Touch Of Need 24
Its not like i was ungreatful for some form of help. And the chance to be rid of the meth lab and stalkers. I was at the same point in time trying to understand my eyesight and just what i was seeing for lighting. I did do some reasearch and had found. A lighting device that is used by l*w enforcement. And to my supprise. The same colors that i was seeing was present in this device. And in the infrared ultraviolet spectrum of lighting. I had around this point in time started to get this random prick on my knee cap. Followed by a prick on top of the hand. This was another mystery that even after all the new things and obsticles i was over coming all at once. Was just another puzzle to solve. It took a while to understand this new game of sherades. ( Need Hand). Like i wasnt running my life away already neglecting my family from attention. It was a mystery of how i was getting this prick on my hands. So i started to look into internet resources. I had come up with maser,taser and laser. So at that point i figured i was being pricked by a guy from the woods. It was hard to tell at this point. I was still wrapped up in what seemed to be sci fi. Pseudoaphakic thing. But yet to cut into this new puzzle was like being on a new planet. I as well looked into and found microwave guns. Anyway. Another form of pysco social form of communication started. It was like a needle prick. Sometimes harder than others. I felt like a dog with chasing lights as it was. And with all the labor involved.
New Neighbors And Never Ending Labor 23
For home court advantage and to help the guys that were put on the ground from the emergancy call. The meth lab always had watchers. And alot of the time guns. I had even found random screw drivers that i had never seen being dropped in my woods overnight. It would have provided a quik stab if needed. Unfortunately for us. Some of the new neighbors were right in on the meth lab. Now it seemed as if we were surrounded. This was an all day job that i had took on to help for the winning potential edge. But anyways. I had gone through this super helping period for about three and a half to four months. Sun up to sun down. There had to had been a better way. For number one the reason why our help was there to begin with is because of a gun threat. Myself i had no bullet proofing materials to be in the field of battle. I could have easily been shot. I do recall an evening to where acrossed the road in front of my house at night the labbers were in that spot watching me and my home and there seemed to be a quite of few people stalking in the hedge. I took my jeep down on the road and pointed my headlights into the hedge. The labbers scattered out. But for a short time lived. The meth lab owner would fire up his vehicle and act like he was going to hit my vehicle with his coming down the road. I as well was standing along side the road and he acted like he was going to hit me with the car. I just kind of jumped into the woods. The expectations. Were very great from my emergancy helpers. And they drove me nuts in my home with there lighting. And a constant need. From the time i woke up until i went to sleep. There is never a time that i could go outside without the ultraviolet lighting with some form of gesture to do something. It was so consuming that its all my life became. By the way. Blue and white color means there is a bad guy in the spot it pointed.
Friday, October 14, 2016
New Neighbors And Deeds 22
This new light thing. Because i was pseudoaphakic , i could see into the ultraviolet infrared spectrum. So lights were introduced to me in pairs. Anotherwords. Two lights at a time. Red and white means stop light. Stop this area. Dont do anything here or look in this direction. Red and blue. Meaning There was a meth labber in a tree. Stop him.In this spot. Green and white. It meant to go there to that location. Sometimes i used a camera with a flash and even at night. The meth labbers surely wasnt interested in getting there pictures taken. Although l had video cameras rolling as well. The labbers new me and my house so well. They new when i had to change a 120 minute vhs tape. Otherwise they were gaining grounds towards my house. But i labored day and night running around in my yard trying to do anything to help home court advantage. By the end of each day my boots were soaked and i was beat. Id stick my boots by the pellet stove to dry overnight. There was surely people there roping the trees with equiptment that could tell were the labbers were stalking from. I used my vehicle as well. Running it around in the yard at night. The labbers would stay acrossed the road. Through a field and into a mature tree line. During the day. Id climb on my roof and watch them scatter. At night they would work there way up to the hedge row just in front of my house. Acrossed the road. It seemed like a never ending circle. At night id go to one corner of my yard. That labber or labbers would leave. But the other three corners of hiding labbers was still there. So id go to that corner of the property and they would leave. And the labbers i chased out first was right back in position. It was very tiring and was like sweeping a dirt floor. It never seemed to work. Alot of the times id tell them that in jail the smell of cheese and dirty socks would be all they would smell if they didnt stop stalking. Id often yell this out at night. It seemed to work for a while. Theyd leave and come right back. Somewhere in this time frame we had got new neighbors.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
The Learning Continues 21
I thought that this cool light swiping thing was excellent. This light color was white. And looked like a star kind of. So from that day on i had woke up to knowing if a car would go by and at this point the lab people were still stalking. But the cars seemed to dwindle down at least for the drive by stalking. They were really cautious at this point. And it seemed as if the traffic on our back road from normal everyday use changed. Through out the last past three years. Everyone knew of the notorious meth lab. And avoided this road like the plague. And just to think? We live right nextdoor. Anyways we had new neighbors. The labbers home. And the people they bought it from. Border the otherside of the lab property. We are on the adjacent side. Had sold there property. And around the same point in time a place diagnal acrossed the road had sold as well. At first i thought cool. These new neighbors are going to notice the activity and maybe turn them in as was well. I was thinking to myself hopefully you keep your personal posessons locked up about the new neighbors. Some theft had accured at that point in time as well. Hear say says that one of the labbers robbed a shed. In the snow mind ya?And walked right back to the lab and left tracks. As avid as i had been and renevating my home. I was like a prisoner chained to my house. Just so i didnt get robbed. I rarely ever left the fort. And if i do get robbed. Id look there first. Now i have gone to bed. And had someone stab with a knife into my tires. They stabbed like half way in. You could see the marks. Someone was pretty handy and knew there way around the tire business. The way this was done. I believe the tire was meant to blow as i was driving the vehicle. In hopes to keep me away from my home out of site or to possably wreck my car.