Monday, October 17, 2016

A Real Life Game Of SIMS 31

After my stay at the mental health that the c*ps put me in for no solid reason. Other than positioning. For what was to come next. I figured that the reasoning for this satellite feed was to use my property. That the authorities no longer had permission to use or property without our consent. My home and electronics still showed signs of being tapped. Now i do know a little about law and the statutes of limitations. And things seemed to be  a little prolonged other than some certain instances i had previously seen in my life before. They still was trying to get me to help out. Outdoors. You see the meth lab was still in full bloom. And was making product right along. Theres no way i wanted anything to do with helping. What was supposed to be the good side of the fence any longer. Although was they the good side of the fence? After what they had done to me with this mental health aliby. So i was surely under the assumption that according to my bts tracker app. My phone was hooked up direct to this satellite feed. Now i asked myself? Why would this be? And what would anyone get out of tying my phone into this satellite? But i was quick to learn that i could sit still as my phone location was moving around in the yard. Or the woods. And i was getting hurt from someplace. Thats why i installed the app. To begin with. I could go down the road and see the U.V lighting anywhere demographically. I as well could go down the road and get, say a prick to the middle finger. Telling me f*ck you at 65 m.p.h with pin point accurasy. This led me me into discovery. And the area to search. I was under the assumption that on my small 2.3 acre lot that i had learned over a period of time certain things on accident. But even though my property was posted i still believe they were trying to use it for invest*gat*ng the lab nextdoor. I could hear signs of people in the woods and even seen them. But my home is over run by this satellite. And when i was getting hurt. My phone always showed that the floating around blue dot was over my house or near the window. When i first started using the tracker app. The blue dot would kind of like run away. As if it was trying to avoid detection. I am sure that just because they are taking so long to attempt to bust the meth lab. I had seen to much and they were and are suffocating my every move. Just to think? Theres no place sacred in your own home. I can lay in bed and its above our bedroom. Around the windows. So the 4th Amendment for my family was never a choice. We actually what seems like live in a game of S*MS. A very sad but true situation exists.

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