My reletives got to the point to were they could not control thier differently abled son. He was like a bull in a china shop. It was somewhere near this time that a police car pulled into my driveway and i was handed a piece of paper about notifying for a drug tip line. Without any type of evidence for a tip to turn the Meth lab in nextdoor . Other than traffic. And some fear of my family living next to it. We lived on. But in the same token the Meth lab nextdoor was escalating. That day i went to my relatives home. They had told me that the authorities had tried to bust the Meth lab. But had come out with no evidence to support a bust. Between me and my whole family. We at this point lived it ,ate it and drank the doings nextdoor. The whole town knew about the doings going on. My aunt and uncle was having to fight to keep there son under control. A sixty year old man was being man handled by his own differently abled son. The Meth lab owner was using my differently abled cousin as a Meth slave. Making him work for him for Meth. At and around this time was when my uncles health started to fail. It was like the next time i saw him. The ghost of his sole was driving his thoughts and body to secure his wife for his death. When you looked into his eyes he seemed like a walking dead man. With only one primary focus and objective. His skin even changed color.
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