I grew very tired of the prick to the knee and hand. ( Need Hand) And face for the direction i was to walk in. And all the lights pointing and narrating my day. Fifteen to sixteen hours a day. I didnt even move when i woke up alot of the times. I didnt want them to know i was awake. The help from the 9*1 call.But around this time period the meth lab owner nextdoor was busted. But with a first time offense class B felony. From what i had heard.He was caught with a firearm as well. And one of the new neighbors was caught right along with him. So it seemed like a happy planet for a moment. Although there was only one small problem. I knew that if he went to jail. As avid as he was. Someone else would use his lab as he done time. And sure enough. It wasnt even a week and the lab was up and running. The same thing all over again. His girlfriend took over while he was in jail for about 3 weeks. Then back out of jail he came. It was winter time. I was so busy trying to keep home court advantage even though my marriage was on the rocks. I was trying to help be rid of the meth lab still. Or at least i thought? But anyways i needed to keep renevations going. I knew it would never end. As soon as they both go down. Even if they did. Someone else would use the lab and it would start over again. I believe and know for sure there is laws against stalking. It just seems like ive never had any rights or to be able employ my rights as a USA citisen going through something like this. After all i was being used anyways. At least thats what i was thinking of. I had lived in my home here for the last twenty years. And the way it used to be? It would never be the same again. I ordered more finishing materials. Had them delivered and was trying to proceed with the finishing of my interior. I needed to focus on my family and be the responsable party. To get my family out of harms way. And to safer and healthy grounds. They must be making tons of money nextdoor.And my family was just getting trampled and in the way. Like a well beaten path. Day in and day out. The never ending circle of war. I decided to focus on finishing the renevation. And not to do anymore. Free labor for home court advantage. It was time to get this house ready to sell. And move. As persistant as my help to get rid of the lab was. They were a need freak. And suffocated my everyday life and home. The battle was all that mattered. I decided to rebel and not help. I had duties to tend to. To get my home finished. The 9*1 help would not take no for an answer. So i flipped one of the guys roping the trees. I continued to work in my basement that day. Mudding sheetrock joints. In a closet i had made. I figured id listen to the band korn. I was getting stop light. ( red/white) u.v lighting flashing on my jam box. They could hear in my house. Someone didnt like my music in my house mind ya. My house was tapped through my electronic devices. I dont know about anyone else but? This is my house. I do as i please here.
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