Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Knowing Around Your Pond 15

I had been at the game of fighting off the lab so long. I knew my 2.3 acre parcel of property like the back of my hand. Like as if i knew if a stick was out of place. Or a branch was broken. A veteran at my own war. Here in the USA. Even though it was hear say of some form of help. There was no way that i as a father and a husband could let my guards down. I had cameras running 24/7. And with a little bit of electronics expeiriance i was creating night vision cameras for in home protection. And to gather evidence to have an order of restraint placed on the meth lab for stalking. If anything i figured it may be a building block to get this Meth lab taken care of. And least as well feel some sort of comfort about leaving my home unattended. And to be sure that the labbers were not following my wife or any other family member off the hilltop were we reside. Which they had done in the past. One evening i had my brother stay at the house. It was really windy that evening. We did see cigarette cherrys from someone smoking on my west side property line area. They knew he was here. And what we were doing. The labbers were swift enough to try not to be seen. They knew better than to give me the faces i needed to get an order of restraint or a charge for stalking. He ended up leaving early in the a.m hours. He lives about 12 miles away. He was followed home. Someone was knocking on his windows. He called me up. I was still awake here. Someone had let out his horses during the course of time of him being stalked home. And leaving our property. They was playing games. To try to scare him off.

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