I had become very interested in myself and to prove that i was seeing what i saw. I mean this seemed like some kind of sci fi thing that you had seen on tv. So research i did. I had found that. Search and rescue x ray devices through my own findings is what was being used. At least thats my guess today. Though through out my internet findings. There seemed to be alot of debate on the topic of pseudoaphikic or aphakic in general. I stand here as living proof that it is real. I can see into the ultrviolet infrared portion of the spectrum. And see lights others cannot with there natural eye lense.I can be in a disco of lights. And you do not even know its happening. That is with your natural eye lense. Anyways with this in mind continuosly. I still made every effort for home court advantage. Back then there was sure signs that some form of help was here. Like i was working on my renevation and had seen someone. And there was certain phenom stuff that had happened. Which i will get into a little later. But i believe whoever was here to take care of the lab since i authorised property access at that point. Was wondering how i was seeing the xray device. Like maybe i had a device in my home that i was using to moniter it with. So they started poking and prodding around in my home with these lights. So now i am even more confused yet. I can see these lights in and around my house. My dogs could see them. But my family members could not. I slipped up a few times and asked? But thinking that it was because i was pseudiaphakic these lights were unseeable to my family. By no means did i want to gauge any parts of there plans. So i sat around the house and watched this funky lightshow happen day in and day out. This bring me to somethings that i had noticed outside as well. I will get into later as well. But back to the renevation. I had sheetrocked around my front picture window. And prior to this i had given signs that i could see these lights. I was mudding the sheetrock joints. And a light swiped across the window. This had been during the day. The direction that the light swiped in a few moments later i gad noticed a car go by in that direction? I thought to myself? Nah!!! So i kept working along and i seen another light swipe. This time it was in another direction but perpandicular to the road out front. Moments later a car went past in that direction. I was starting to think someone was telling me something? But Nah!! It happened for a good portion of the day from then on. Thats when this new light language started. At first i thought it was pretty cool. Genious maybe?
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