Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Noises In The Night 6

I started to notice more and more traffic as time went on. I started to educate myself of the signs of the smell and any other tip to see if this Meth making was really true. I started to get worried about my family at this point. Our safety and all these strangers going in and out of nextdoor. The previous owners of property was living next door to the Meth lab on the otherside. These are the people that sold the meth labbers the property. We like to hunt. We had permission to hunt their property.The people that used to own the land that the Meth lab sits on. Is who give us this permission.Which is directly outback of our home and runs in back of the Meth lab property going West. To the former landlords home. One day my son wanted to go hunting outback and someone at the Meth lab started shooting guns. My son was scared to go outback hunting in fear of being shot. So he proceeded to enter the Meth lab property to inform them that he was going to be hunting outback. And at the same time. My son comes back to the house and said that my aunt pulled into the driveway and was yelling at the Meth lab owner. The Meth lab owner just stayed in his home. He wouldnt come out. So my son comes back home. Not knowing what to think about what was going on. In concern for my relitives. I go to there home to visit. I find out at this point that there differently abled son had been caught by them under the influence of Meth. As hyper as he was anyways. You couldnt imagine him on meth.

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